Clubs Handbook 2024-2025


The Associated Students of the University of Arizona is excited about your interest in student organizations. We recognize that student organizations provide a valuable service to the UA community by providing leadership development, spirit, activism, public service, and social and cultural interaction. As a student at UA, you have the unique opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities. There are many benefits to being involved in a student organization:

  • Allows you to meet people and make connections within the University and with other students who have similar interests.
  • Helps you get the full value out of your college experience.
  • Encourages and advances your intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and social development.
  • Helps you gain knowledge, skills and experience in leadership, communication, problem-solving, group development and management, budgeting, finance, public speaking, and much more.
  • Helps you become knowledgeable about what is happening on the UA Campus.
  • Builds your resume with extracurricular and leadership development activities.
  • Complements your academic programs of study and enhances your overall educational experience.

Student organizations exist to build upon and enrich the classroom and university experience. ASUA believes involvement outside of the classroom is an important aspect of your education. There are a wide variety of organizations to meet your interests and needs. If an organization does not exist that fits your interests, any student can take the initiative to create a new student organization.

The University expects that all student organizations exemplify respect and inclusion. As you hold events and activities with your organization, remember that you are also representing the University of Arizona. Please review and pay close attention to the guidelines and policies in this handbook. Feel free to consult a staff member for clarification, guidance, and advice at any time. We encourage and welcome feedback on this handbook and all programs and services offered. For additional information, please contact us at  

Student Organization Basics 

The Associated Students of University of Arizona (ASUA) is charged to uphold all the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook as they apply to student organizations (also referred to as clubs). In addition, ASUA is committed to providing student organizations with resources that will enhance the experiences of student organization members and leaders on the University of Arizona campuses.

This handbook will aid student leaders and faculty/staff advisors in successfully leading their organization and familiarize them with key rules and policies related to student clubs and organizations.

The University of Arizona, through ASUA, provides certain privileges to recognized clubs and organizations in good standing. These privileges include:

  • Use of University facilities, equipment, and services including but not limited to campus use, motorpool, campus recreation, etc.
  • Opportunities to apply for and receive funding from ASUA or other University departments.
  • Access to web-based software to develop a personalized club homepage with an events calendar, member rosters, and more.
  • Ability to sponsor fundraising events (including the sponsorship of commercial vendors on the UA Mall).
  • Use of the University name and logo with approval from Trademarks and Licensing.
  • Eligibility for awards and honors presented to student organizations and their members.
  • Discounted University services, i.e. room reservations in the Student Unions and Fast Copy Services.
  • Participation in club events such as Club Fair, Club Awards, and Club Talent Show.

Your group can access these privileges by becoming recognized and following the policies and procedures of the University of Arizona.

The ASUA Clubs is in the ASUA office suite, on the 3rd floor of the Student Union Memorial Center, in Suite 325 W (across from the bookstore offices).

The Student Organization Handbook

The Student Organization Handbook is an introduction to the many services and resources available to registered student organizations, as well as policies that impact your organization. Please review the materials provided in this handbook and share this information with the members of your organization.

While this guide is intended to be a summary of certain matters of interest to student organizations, readers should be aware that:

  • This document is not a complete statement of all procedures, rules, and regulations of the University of Arizona or ASUA. 
  • The University and ASUA reserves the right to change, without notice, any procedures, policies, and programs that appear in the Student Organization Handbook.
  • Should a student organization, or any of its members, be found in breach of the regulations outlined in the student organization handbook, ASUA holds the authority to determine the subsequent actions.
  • Compliance with policies related to student organizations may be reviewed at any time during the year by ASUA staff.
  • The various colleges, schools and departments of the university may have additional procedures and policies that apply to student organizations.

If you have any questions, please contact your ASUA Clubs staff at It is the job of student organization advisors, members, and officers to ensure that the organization is informed about ASUA and University policies and procedures. 

Student Organization Advisor

What is a student organization advisor?

Student Organization Advisors are experienced faculty or staff members who formally mentor student leaders and connect students who share similar passions and interests through a club experience. Student Organization Advisors serve as a bridge between the University and student organizations to create a cohesive and holistic experience both inside and outside of the classroom. Student Organization Advisors play an active role in guiding students in their pursuit of leadership development, connecting students to resources, and positively impact the overall well-being of the students they serve.

Why be a student organization advisor?

Advising student organizations can be very rewarding. It provides opportunities for faculty and staff to interact with students in a different context. Advisors can have an important impact on students’ development and university engagement, serve as a mentor to students, connect with university colleagues and engage with students and organizations who may share similar passions and interests.

*Please reach out to ASUA Clubs if you are interested in being an advisor:

Expectations and Benefits

  • Connect student leaders to the University and campus resources.
  • Provide support for the overall well-being of the organization and each member.
  • Mentor and influence emerging student leaders and encourage growth and development of leadership skills.
  • Sign Dean’s Excuses for club travel and have knowledge of the scope and duration of the trip. 
  • Report important issues to appropriate University authorities.
  • Assist the Dean of Students office with planning logistics for speakers who come to campus.
  • Serve as first point of contact with University regarding issues within the club that are brought to the attention of ASUA or the Dean of Students Office. 

Best Practices 

  • Assist student organizations in developing realistic goals for the academic year. This will enable the educational and personal development of the students involved.
  • Become familiar with the student organization's constitution and all other governing documents, so that you may advise effectively.
  • Attend executive and general meetings, and organization events when possible or agreed upon.
  • Encourage the officers of the organization to share information with all the members.
  • Encourage the officers of the organization to keep accurate rosters of club membership utilizing Campus Groups.
  • Assist in the orientation of new members and with the transition process each year.
  • Become familiar with the Arizona Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct and other institutional guidelines that establish expectations for student behavior and activities. 
  • Guide the group and its officers to establish policies, answer policy questions and explain the consequences for choosing to operate outside their set parameters.

UAccess Edge Advisor Training

ASUA requires advisors to complete specific training on the duties and responsibilities of club advisors. Clubs whose advisor has not completed this will not be recognized by ASUA. Staff at ASUA will verify that listed advisors have undergone this training and understand their responsibilities. Advisors should follow these steps to access the Advisor’s Training:

  • Go to EDGE Learning at
  • On top search bar, enter "ASUA" and select the "ASUA Club Advisor Certification."
  • On the next page, click "Register."
  • On the following page, click "Complete Registration."
  • On the subsequent page, click "Launch" to start the training.
  • This training is valid for 2 years.

Each organization must have a faculty/staff advisor, with exception to Greek-letter organizations recognized by Fraternity and Sorority Programs and their local governing bodies. Faculty/staff advisors are defined as individuals (faculty, staff, or administrator) who are currently employed by the University of Arizona and hold office hours within the University. Any faculty, staff, or administrator on sabbatical cannot serve as an advisor. Graduate students/assistants cannot serve as an advisor. Trainings for advisors may undergo revisions without prior notification. Completion of the updated trainings by advisors will be required.  

Campus Groups

Campus Groups is the hub for all student organizations and student activities happening at UA. As a registered student organization, you have a page dedicated to your organization where you can: 

  • Keep a roster of members.
  • Message members
  • Track attendance at events
  • Post events and news
  • Post organizational documents and photos.
  • Create forms and host elections.
  • Send emails.

Campus Groups is only accessible to active University students. Access will not be granted to faculty and staff serving as advisors. 

For a guide on the below topics, please click the links: 

  • Set up your clubs Campus Groups page and add additional members | here 
  • Edit your group’s constitution and bylaws | here
  • Add events to the Campus Groups calendar | here

Recognized Organization Requirements

Active membership in ASUA recognized clubs/organizations is limited to students currently enrolled at the University of Arizona. To be recognized, an organization MUST have at least 5 members who are enrolled students at the University of Arizona, have at least 3 officer positions, and an advisor who is both present on campus and is a full-time faculty or staff member at UA. Additionally, individuals listed as members cannot concurrently hold officer positions, and vice versa.

Recognition operates on a fiscal calendar basis, commencing from the date of approval (after July 1) on Campus Groups and concluding on June 30th of the fiscal year. Campus Groups will open the recognition workflow the Monday after spring commencement and cease recognition for the fiscal year on April 1st.

Student organizations are responsible for their own funding. This includes the collection of dues and management of club bank accounts.The University of Arizona, through ASUA, reserves the right to withhold recognition of any organization. Decisions made by ASUA can be appealed in writing to the Dean of Students Office

Member & Officer Requirements

To be an active member of a recognized organization, a student must:

  • Be an active and enrolled student at the University (however, student organizations, and other university recognized groups, events, and projects may require students to meet additional criteria for membership or participation). 
  • Be in one of the following academic statuses: eligible, academic review, or academic warning. Students on academic probation or ineligible status cannot be organization members. See details on the definitions here.  
  • All elected or appointed officers of recognized organizations must, at the time of their election or appointments:
  • Must be in eligible academic standing (meet the minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0; graduate students, work carried for graduate credit only, must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 unless otherwise determined by their college).
  • Must be enrolled in the University for a minimum of six (6) units throughout their term of office, or a minimum of three (3) credits for graduate students.
  • When a student continues in office from one semester to the next, the student must have successfully completed a minimum of six (6) units the previous semester. Graduate students must be enrolled in the University for a minimum of three (3) units throughout their term of office and must have successfully completed three (3) units in the previous semester to continue in office from one semester to the next. For purposes of this paragraph, satisfactory completion in the case of a course taken for undergraduate credit requires the earning of A, B, C, D, S, or P.

Organizations are responsible for monitoring eligibility of all officers and members of the organization.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. Pursuant to Title IX of the

Education Amendments of 1972, Section 106.14, social fraternities and sororities may restrict membership based on gender. These organizations may not restrict membership/leadership or otherwise discriminate on any other prohibited basis. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 15- 1863, religious and political student organizations may limit membership and leadership to persons committed to the organization’s religious or political mission. These organizations may not restrict membership/leadership or otherwise discriminate on any other prohibited basis.

Student organizations may impose other standards or membership requirements (i.e., minimum grade point average or class status) provided that these requirements/standards do not violate the University’s policies, including but not limited to the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy.

Associate Membership

Associate memberships are specified for non-UArizona affiliated personnel who bring specific skills and advice to an organization. Associate Membership is available under the following circumstances. 

  • Associate memberships are allowed under the organization's constitution. 
  • Associate members must be recognized with the University of Arizona as a Designated Campus Colleague (DCC) and maintain that status during their membership. 
  • Associate members cannot count towards the membership requirement for club recognition. Associate members cannot vote in club elections and cannot run for any officer positions. 
  • Associate members cannot serve as an advisor for any student organization. 

Registering a new club or organization

All steps in the recognition process must be complete for your club or organization to gain recognition. Recognition for clubs is active beginning the Monday after spring commencement through April 1st. Recognition begins once the recognition workflow in Campus Groups has been approved (after July 1) and will conclude on June 30th of the fiscal year. 

Step #1

Complete the club recognition application in campus groups. Only officers can complete this form for your club. If you’re listed as an officer and club recognition is open in the system; follow these instructions.

  • Open your internet browser and visit CampusGroups
  • Sign-in using your UArizona netID and password - if you cannot log in using your password, email the ASUA clubs advisor for help at
  • Once logged in, click on the avatar on the top right and select “edit profile” to update your information. 
  • Once your profile is complete, click on “groups” (shown as a silhouette of three people on the top header bar)
  • Click on “all groups.”
  • On the top of the screen, highlighted in blue, there will be three options; “register new recognized student organizations, register new Greek letter organization, or register new student leader organization”. Click on the appropriate button for your group.
    • Greek lettered organizations must be formally recognized by Fraternity & Sorority Programs to use this option. 
  • Complete the steps in the next sever screens to complete your form. This includes several key points. 
    • Inputting 3 officers and 5 members for a total of 8 students
    • Upload your club’s constitution.
    • Complete and submit the form. 

Always check what's required in your constitution for information regarding the necessary requirements that must be included in your club’s constitution to complete this step with the ASUA office. View our sample constitutions for additional help.

When creating a name for an organization, organization leadership must follow the University of Arizona’s overall brand and licensing protocols. Registered student organizations may not use “University of Arizona”, “UofA”, “Uarizona”, or any similar variants in their organization name as it may imply an official relationship with the university. 




Step #2

Your advisor must complete the required training in UAccess Edge Learning before your club can move forward in the recognition process. The system does not send advisors an email, so it is the club’s responsibility to reach out and ensure your advisor is aware of this training and they complete it. A certificate of completion does not need to be uploaded or shared with the ASUA office. 

Step #3

Pay the club fee - clubs will only be provided the link and instructions to submit payment once they’ve completed the constitution and advisor training. The link and instructions will be submitted in the Campus Groups chat function. Please note that only the original submitter of the workflow can see the communication. The club fee remains fixed at $100, regardless of the timing of the payment.

Re-Registering an existing club or organization.

All steps in the workflow must be completed for your club or organization to gain recognition. Re-registration of student organizations is an annual process and must be completed each academic year.

Recognition for clubs is active beginning the Monday after spring commencement through April 1st of the following Spring. Recognition begins once the recognition workflow in Campus Groups has been approved (after July 1) and will conclude on June 30th of the fiscal year.

Step #1

Complete the club recognition application in campus groups. Only officers can complete this form for your club. If you’re listed as an officer and club recognition is open in the system; follow these instructions. 

  • Open your internet browser and visit CampusGroups
  • Sign-in using your UArizona netID and password - if you cannot log in using your password, email the ASUA clubs advisor for help at
  • Once logged in, click on the avatar on the top right and select “edit profile” to update your information. 
  • Once your profile is complete, click on “groups” (shown as a silhouette of three people on the top header bar)
  • Click on your group that you’re wishing to re-register.
  • On the top of the screen, highlighted in blue, there will be an option to “re-register student organization”. Click this button.
  • Complete the steps in the next several screens to complete your form. This includes several key points. 
    • Inputting 3 officers and 5 members for a total of 8 students
    • Upload your club’s constitution.
    • Complete and submit the form. 

Always check what's required in your constitution for information regarding the necessary requirements that must be included in your club’s constitution to complete this step with the ASUA office. View our sample constitutions for additional help.

When creating a name for an organization, organization leadership must follow the University of Arizona’s overall brand and licensing protocols. Registered student organizations may not use “University of Arizona”, “UofA”, “Uarizona”, or any similar variants in their organization name as it may imply an official relationship with the university. 




Step #2

Your advisor must complete the required training in UAccess Edge learning before your club can move forward in the recognition process.  The system does not send advisors an email, so it is the club’s responsibility to reach out and ensure your advisor is aware of this training and they complete it. 

A certificate of completion does not need to be uploaded or shared with the ASUA office.  

Step #3

Pay the club fee - clubs will only be provided the link and instructions to submit payment once they’ve reached this step in the process. The link and instructions will be submitted in the Campus Groups chat function. Please note that only the original submitter of the workflow can see the communication. The club fee remains fixed at $100, regardless of the timing of the payment.

Organization Categories


Academic organizations typically connect to a specific discipline of study. Many academic organizations have strong ties to specific colleges or departments. Academic organizations may also have grade point average requirements for members.



Cultural and international organizations promote the culture, traditions, and values of other nations, countries, and/or ethnic groups.



Departmental organizations are affiliated with a university department.



Environmental/sustainability organizations focus on promoting, advocating, and educating the community on environmental and sustainable issues facing our UA and national community.



Health organizations typically correspond to the medical professional fields and/or support and promote medical and health community services.



Honorary organizations usually require a minimum grade point average requirement for members. Many honorary organizations are connected to a class (i.e. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), special interest, or academic discipline.



Leadership organizations primarily focus on developing various leadership skills amongst members, such as inspiring a vision, motivating others, leading by example, challenging norms, and recognizing the strength of others.



Religious organizations are usually connected to a particular church, sect, denomination, or belief in or regarding existence of a deity, divine power, or supernatural entity.



Political organizations focus on furthering the interests of a particular political group or issue.



Professional organizations typically correspond to a professional field including, but not limited to, medicine, law, pharmacy, or business. Professional Organizations may also have a national organization affiliation and are sometimes referred to as fraternal organizations.


Club Sports

Club sports or organizations promote a common interest in fostering participation and competition in a specific sport or recreational activity. Clubs may represent the University of Arizona in intercollegiate competition or conduct intra-club activities such as practice, instruction, social, and tournament play.


Special Interest

Special interest organizations may not fall within any of the other categories. These organizations may also have a very specific mission or focus on skills development.


Social Greek LetterSocial Greek letter organizations include groups that are private, national, or international and are recognized by Fraternity and Sorority Programs at the University of Arizona as well as the respective local governing bodies, including the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council, and the United Sorority and Fraternity Council. Organizations that are not in good standing with the University of Arizona are simultaneously not recognized by ASUA. These organizations may be entitled to limit membership based on gender if they meet the provision of Section 86.14 of the regulations promulgated under Title IX of the US Education Act Amendment of 1972.

Club Sports

The Club Sports Program is administered through the Department of Campus Recreation, which serves as an administrative body, resource, and information center for those involved in the Club Sports Program. The Club Sports Program has been developed for the purpose of engaging in extramural-intercollegiate sporting activities. The Club Sports Program is housed in the Student Recreation Center and provides supportive administrators who assist clubs with the following: 

  • Facilities - scheduling, practices, events, and meetings.
  • Equipment - scoreboards, field lining materials, tables, and chairs.
  • A structure to assist clubs in promoting their various functions and competitive activities. 
  • Resources to assist clubs in development and improving organization.
  • The Club Sports Program also provides athletic trainer services for clubs.

Club Sports must be recognized by ASUA for at least one year before the Department of Campus Recreation will recognize the organization.

In addition to complying the policies set forth in this handbook, Club Sports are also required to comply with all policies set forth in the applicable Club Sports Handbook published by the Department of Campus Recreation.

For more information on sports clubs, visit their website here.  

Greek Letter Organizations

New Social Greek-Letter Organizations must follow these steps to gain recognition at the University of Arizona:

  • A fraternity or sorority desiring establishment as a recognized Social Greek-Letter Organization must first complete the University of Arizona Fraternity and Sorority Programs recognition procedure.
  • Once recognized by the University of Arizona Fraternity and Sorority Programs, a Greek organization is automatically recognized by ASUA. 

Greek letter organizations that lose recognition through the University of Arizona Fraternity and Sorority Programs will lose ASUA recognition indefinitely and are unable to reapply for ASUA recognition in the future. To maintain recognition, social Greek-letter organizations must comply with all applicable policies and requirements, including without limitation the following:

  • Social Greek-Letter Organizations are required to be full members of the appropriate Greek Governing Council.
  • The organization president agrees to accept full responsibility for the chapter and its members’ adherence to: the constitution, bylaws, rules and judicial procedures of the respective Greek Governing Council and those of the National/International Organization; University policies (including but not limited to those set forth in this handbook and the Student Code of Conduct)  and directives by authorized University officials;  the University of Arizona Greek Relationship Statement, the Greek Strategic Plan, and the Greek Standards of Excellence; the University of Arizona Recognized Student Organization Residential Facility Policy; policies governing social events with and without alcohol; Philanthropy Advisory Board bylaws; Greek Standards Board Constitution; the University of Arizona Student Code of Conduct; the University Rules for the Maintenance of public Order, and local, state and federal laws. Accordingly, the organization president must be familiar with such policies, laws, regulations, directives, and procedures and must educate their membership (active and new members). In addition, failure to comply with all applicable policies by organization members, organization leaders, or the organization itself may result in withdrawal of the organization’s recognition and/or other sanctions.
  • Each organization must annually file with Fraternity and Sorority Programs and the Office of Risk Management Services a certificate of insurance verifying Commercial General Liability insurance coverage within coverage limits and exclusions required by the Office of Risk Management Services, including social host endorsement at the required amount, or request a written waiver.  The organization must also add the Arizona Board of Regents and the ASUA to the policy as an additional insured.
  • Social Greek-Letter Organizations shall comply with the University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment policy and the Nondiscrimination policy in this Handbook, except as exempted under federal or other legislative protections.
  • All organizations are expected to cooperate with the University and their respective Greek Governing Council in building and maintaining positive relationships with neighbors (local, national, and international).
  • As of January 1, 2022, each organization must have a Chapter Advisor who is in the Tucson area. If an organization is having difficulty identifying a Tucson-based advisor, the Chapter should notify FSP of this situation with as much advance notice as possible, and FSP will consider allowing the organization to have a Chapter Adviser who is in Arizona on a temporary basis (and for no longer than one academic year) based on the relevant circumstances. A Chapter Advisor is defined as a volunteer who has been appointed by appropriate fraternity/sorority officials to serve as the primary advisor for the chapter. If this person is a university employee, then advising activities are not considered to be in connection to the employee’s official job duties at the University. However, advisors remain obligated to follow University policies and procedures in relation to their advisory assistance, including required reporting of violations under the University’s Hazing Policy, incidents, or sex-based discrimination (including acts of sexual violence) to the Dean of Students, and certain crimes as required by the University’s obligations under The Clery Act. Chapter Advisors are also expected to:
    • Be familiar with university and the chapter’s respective Greek Governing Council’s rules, regulations and policies, governing Greek-Letter Organizations and assist the chapter in complying with such policies.
    • Attend regular meetings of the chapter and be familiar with its activities.
    • Aid the organization in meeting and maintaining conditions of university recognition, including signing appropriate documents.
    • Serve as a mentor and resource regarding financial and general operating affairs of the organization.
    • Aid in the planning and implementation of chapter activities.
    • Aid in the areas of organizational and personal development.
    • Assist University officials in dealing with problems or other situations involving the chapter.
    • Attend or send another Advisory Board Member to Fraternity & Sorority Advisor Meetings.
  • Maintain an atmosphere conducive to serious academic endeavor and integrity.
  • Maintain and ensure compliance with all applicable University, local and state fire, health, zoning and safety codes on the grounds and facilities, as well at organizational events.
  • Each chapter must remain in good standing with its national/international fraternity or sorority.
  • Each chapter must complete the Standards of Excellence accreditation process annually. The outlined standards and expectations are the process by which all chapters at the University of Arizona will be evaluated to remain in good standing.
  • All events open to non-chapter members (including without limitation to Intake/Rush/Recruitment Activities, events with Alcohol, social Functions, etc.) shall only occur at Recognized Social Greek-Letter Houses, on campus, or at approved non-residential, third-party venues. A Recognized Social Greek-Letter House is defined as a recognized chapter’s facility. The University will recognize only one Social Greek-Letter House at one properly zoned location through the Recognized Student Organization Residential Facility Policy.
  • Each student organization shall keep its chapter house, property, and surrounding public right-of-way clean and free of debris.

Indemnification Clause:

The recognized Social Greek-Letter Organization shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of Arizona, the Arizona Board of Regents, the University of Arizona, and their respective officers, employees and agents from and against liability, loss, claims, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or related to the performance by the Organization or its respective agents of any obligation or responsibility referenced in this Student Organization Handbook or any activity directly related to the Social Greek Letter Organization’s activities, events and functions, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorney fees, or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the conduct (including negligent acts or omissions) of the Social Greek Letter Organization, its individual members, alumni members, advisor, alumni advisor, associate members, guests, or invitees directly related to the Social Greek Letter Organization’s activities, events, and functions.

More detailed information regarding the obligations of and policies applicable to Social Greek-Letter Organizations, is available from the University’s Fraternity & Sorority Programs Department

Residential Organization Housing Policy

The University of Arizona is empowered, and has historically exercised its power, to determine which student organizations can operate as officially recognized student organizations, including Residential Organizations. Residential Organizations are defined as recognized student organizations which own, control, or otherwise operate any real property, whether on campus or off campus, that provides overnight housing accommodations to its members while enrolled in and attending the University.  The University’s complete Housing Policy and information regarding other policies that Residential Organizations must comply with are available on the Fraternity & Sorority Programs Recognized Student Organization Residential Facility Policy website. 

Marketing your Club

Naming Your Student Organization

Registered student organizations are considered independent, voluntary organizations and are not sponsored by the University. When creating a name for an organization, organization leadership must follow the University of Arizona’s overall brand and licensing protocols. Registered student organizations may not use “University of Arizona”, “UofA”, “Uarizona”, or any similar variants in their organization name as it may imply an official relationship with the University. The University of Arizona has created a valuable resource for clubs regarding naming conversation. Visit University Branding for more information on naming your organization.

Social Media

Social media is a great way to market your organization and keep up to date with your members. Make sure that you are using the proper name of your organization on your social media accounts. Registered student organizations may not use “University of Arizona”, “UA”, “Uarizona” or any similar variant in their organization name as it may imply an official relationship with the University. 

Follow @asuaclubs on Instagram for all ASUA Clubs related information and updates. 

Trademark and Licensing Regulations

All logos, seals, names, symbols, and slogans associated with the University of Arizona are trademarks and are the exclusive property of The University of Arizona. Any individual, organization, or company wishing to use the University’s logos and trademarks must obtain the right to do so in writing from the university. UA Trademark Management is responsible for protecting the use of the University of Arizona trademarks and for licensing commercial use of these trademarks.

The Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona has registered or otherwise protected through common law the “trademarks” of the University. The University has delegated the responsibility for maintaining, managing, and licensing of all “products” that bear University trademarks to the Trademarks & Licensing Office in University Marketing & Brand Management, regardless of the manner of distribution. The University’s complete Product Licensing and Trademark Usage policy and the most up-to-date information are available on their website

You must use a University approved vendor for all marketing materials. You can find this list on the Trademark and Licensing website. 

ASUA Club Funding

ASUA Club Appropriations

Recognized student organizations may apply for club funds through the ASUA Club Appropriations Board. The ASUA Appropriations Board will allocate approximately $80,000 per semester to ASUA recognized clubs and organizations throughout the year at the University of Arizona. Club funding is a great financial resource for clubs to host events and travel to conferences or competitions. Requests are evaluated on how they educate, enhance, or enrich the University of Arizona and how they contribute to the educational mission of the University of Arizona. 

Recognized clubs are eligible to apply for up to $3,000 per year per club. We have a limited funding available, and funds are never guaranteed. Do not rely on ASUA Club funding as your sole source of financial support.  

Funding Rules and Timeline

  • Funding is based on availability on a first come, first served basis. Funding is never guaranteed. 
  • Applications are available on Campus Groups. Visit our website for instructions to submit your club’s application. 
  • The Appropriations Board meets every Monday at 2:00 pm
  • Completed applications are due every Thursday by 2:00 pm for consideration by the Appropriations Board in the following Monday's meeting.
  • Applications must be awarded at the Appropriations Board meeting a minimum of 3 weeks before your event or travel occurs. 
  • Funds allocated by the board are not officially appropriated until the ASUA Senate confirms and approves them the Wednesday following your meeting. 
  • Recognized organizations can apply for general funding (covering merchandise, equipment, room reservations, etc) or travel funding (conference/competition registration, hotel or airbnb, and airfare only). 
  • Funding shall be rendered in amounts deemed appropriate and necessary by the ASUA Appropriations Board and approved by the ASUA Senate. 
  • Allocated funds may not be transferred from one budget category to another. Allocated funds must be used for the purpose outlined in the club funding budget proposal. 
  • At least one member of the group applying for funding MUST be present at the appropriations meeting to discuss the club’s proposal and answer questions. 
  • Incomplete applications will not be seen by the Appropriations Board. 
  • Reimbursement is based on receipts provided.  
  • Club Appropriations will only cover the cost for students and the events they host. 
  • The Appropriations Board reserves $80,000 per semester. Once this amount is awarded, funding will close until the following semester.
  • Clubs and organizations are only eligible for Club funding if they’re an ASUA recognized club.
  • Clubs who charge more than $500 in dues/membership fees are ineligible to apply for appropriations funding.
  • Per Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR), UA Printing and Publishing has the first right of refusal for all print jobs.
  • Clubs are limited to 3 original visits to the appropriations board per semester. 
  • For non-event related items, you must use your funds by the deadline in the semester they're awarded. Fall's deadline is the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break and the Spring deadline is the third Monday in April.

Rules and policies change each year as does the board who interpret the funding requests and guidelines. Just because you were awarded funding for something one year, doesn’t guarantee funding for the same thing another year. 

ASUA reserves the right to update or change rules and policies and/or the ASUA Club handbook without notice. 

General Appropriations Rules 

  • Items must be purchased through ASUA directly.
  • ASUA will not purchase the same item 2 years in a row without proper justification. 
  • All packages delivered to ASUA must be picked up within 10 business days after arriving or ASUA will return the package and the club forfeits their award. 
  • You must use a vendor on the Universities list of approved vendors for all apparel and non-apparel items (clothing, marketing materials, tabling items, etc)
  • The ASUA & Bookstore logos must be included on all apparel and non-apparel items. You can find these logos on the ASUA website
  • It is the clubs responsibility to include all taxes, fees, and shipping on their budget requests. Only the amount awarded will be spent. 
  • Invoices & estimates must be current. Funding will not be considered if an old invoice or estimate is used. 
  • ASUA Club Appropriations emphasizes “on-campus experiences”. If your event is hosted off campus, you must provide reasoning for not hosting on campus and the board does not guarantee funding. 
  • You must receive an estimate/hold from student union event planning for ASUA Club Appropriations to be considered for award.

Travel Funding Rules 

  • Travel funding is only processed through reimbursement directly to the club. 
  • Travel funding will only be considered for conference/competition registration, hotel or airbnb, and airfare only.  
  • Travel will only be considered for official conference or competitions.
  • Travel will only be considered for up to 4 members of a club for one trip.
  • ASUA Clubs will only cover the nightly rate of the cheapest hotel within 1 mile of your venue.
  • 4 students required per room which means we will only cover the cost of 1 hotel rooms per travel.
  • Motorpool will only be considered if the club obtains an unofficial estimate (email) from Motorpool.

ASUA Appropriations Board cannot fund

  • Food, gas, alcohol, awards/trophies, gifts, and flowers
  • Graduation stoles and cords
  • Decorations of any kind
  • Speaker/presenter fees, honorariums, or their travel
  • Memberships of any kind 
  • Entertainment
  • Events not open to the entire student population
  • Items that fall into personal use
  • Any part of an event at which alcoholic beverages will be served.
  • Non-University of Arizona students
  • Any part of a philanthropic event
  • Items intended for donation.
  • Items which the club intends on selling or making a profit off 
  • Social events which include but are not limited to: bonding events, off campus networking events, club retreats, de-stresser or mental health events
  • Single items that exceed $500, including taxes
  • Apparel or non-apparel items
    • not purchased from a university approved vendor
    • shirts/uniforms/items that do not include the ASUA and bookstore logo
    • More than 1/2 the total or up to $1,000 - whichever comes first
  • No headwear - per university contracts (beanies, visors, bucket hats, caps, etc.)
  • Reimbursement for any charge that would be payable after the use of the good/service is incurred by an organization (monthly bills, subscriptions, protection plans, -including amazon & insurance) 
  • Charges which ASUA is required to provide bank/card information into a non-ASUA staff member owned website or websites which cannot provide invoice-based payment
  • Requests that have been on the agenda for three weeks without approval
  • Reimbursement requests for items already purchased 

This list is not exhaustive or all-inclusive and is left to the discretion of the ASUA Appropriations Board and ASUA Staff.  E-mail ASUA Clubs at if you have questions on funding opportunities.

Submitting an Appropriations Request

Applications can be found on Campus Groups. 

Once open in Campus Groups, follow the steps below to apply for funding.

  • Log in to Campus Groups 
  • Once on your club’s main page click “Manage” in the center. 
  • On the left side is a menu - towards the bottom click “Money”
  • The second tab is “Budgeting”, click on it and you'll see 2024-2025 Appropriations Funding.
  • Top right says “Create Budget Request.” 
  • Follow the instructions on what to upload and submit. 

Claiming your General Funding from Appropriations 

Funding can only be claimed after senate has approved appropriations allocations on Wednesday nights. You can begin claiming your funds on Thursday following your award. 

Email the ASUA clubs team your funding number and links/invoices to items for purchase. Charges are paid directly to the vendor by the ASUA office. ASUA will NOT reimburse a club for general funding allocations. 

If you are reserving a room in the student union with ASUA appropriated funds you must pick up a funding slip from ASUA to provide to the student union event planning office. If not claimed within 30 days, the union will cancel your reservation. 

Shipping must be to a university address. If your club does not have a university address, items will be shipped to ASUA and must be picked up within 10 business days of notice or they will be returned to vendor and your club forfeits the funding. 

Your funds must be used by the date of your event, or your club forfeits the award. For non-event related items, you must use your funds by the deadline in the semester they're awarded. Fall's deadline is the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break and the Spring deadline is the third Monday in April.

ASUA Clubs

Carol Barnette - Assistant Director

Breeanna Wolkerstorfer - Graduate Assistant

Claiming your Travel Reimbursement from Appropriations 

After your travel is complete, you must email your receipts, your funding award number, and your clubs W9 to the ASUA Clubs team to process. You will be reimbursed up to the amount determined by the Appropriations Board. If you do not submit your receipts within 30 days after your travel, you forfeit your reimbursement. Charges are reimbursed directly to the club only. 

If a motorpool vehicle is requested, you must submit the Motorpool Request Form found on Campus Groups. Once you return and receive your receipt, email it to ASUA to process your funding award. 

ASUA Clubs

Carol Barnette - Assistant Director

Breeanna Wolkerstorfer - Graduate Assistant

Managing your Student Organization

Student Leadership Development & Transition

Consistent leadership is critical to the development and success of the organization. High performing organizations positively impact the UA community. It is suggested that organizations review their constitution and other governing documents regularly to ensure procedures regarding membership, elections, and appointments are up to date.

Every recognized organization should have a transition of leadership plan where important details of the club’s operation must be shared with new executives. A smooth transition of materials and information ensures your organization remains vibrant and does not lose time and momentum catching up from one school year to the next.

Leadership transition typically takes place late in the spring semester for student organizations. However, student organizations may also transition in January or at other times throughout the year. These are the steps that your organization should take to transition leadership. 

  1. Have new officers review the Student Organization Handbook and the Organization Constitution.
  2. Update the organization’s profile on Campus Groups with new contact information.
  3. Update club roster of members in Campus Groups.
  4. Share/Transition access to electronic portals and documents.
  5. Share/Transition access to bank organization bank account if applicable. 
  6. Any remaining checks and cash for the organization that needs to be deposited in the club’s account.
  7. Copies of reservation confirmations for future meetings, events, tabling, or other functions
  8. Share passwords to social media platforms, email accounts, and other digital tools where the organization conducts business or communicates with members.
  9. Introduce incoming leaders to key contacts and partners.
  10. Connect with your organization advisor.
  11. If student organization re-registration is currently open new officers should complete the re-registration process
  12. Any other information necessary to the club or organization and it’s incoming leadership

See the ASUA Club Resource page for additional help and review the leadership transition guide.

ASUA Hosted Club Events

ASUA organizes various events for its recognized clubs throughout the academic year, such as the ASUA Club Fair, Club Awards, and the Club Talent Show. The scheduling of these events depends on factors such as ASUA funding and staff availability, and there may be variations from one academic year to another. Club events will be announced via the ASUA Newsletter and ASUA Clubs’ Instagram account @asuaclubs. 

It's important to note that all ASUA-hosted club events are governed by the rules and guidelines outlined in the Clubs’ Handbook, as well as those established by ASUA and the University. Failure to adhere to these rules may lead to disciplinary measures administered by the Dean of Students, ASUA, and/or other University of Arizona entities. 

Club Fair

The ASUA Club Fair presents a valuable opportunity for ASUA-recognized clubs to showcase themselves to both students and faculty members across campus. However, it's essential to note that the Club Fair has limited capacity and availability. Participation spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all spots have been filled, clubs expressing interest will be placed on a waitlist.

Clubs registering for the Club Fair are expected to attend the event. Failure to do so without prior notification will result in a $50 no-show fee. Until this fee is settled, the club's ASUA recognition will be suspended, and access to the benefits associated with ASUA-recognized status will be restricted.


Updates from the ASUA Clubs’ team will be communicated through the ASUA Clubs’ Instagram account (@asuaclubs) and the ASUA Newsletter. It's important to note that, in compliance with University guidelines, the ASUA Newsletter will exclusively reach individuals listed as club officers.

ASUA places great importance on fostering effective communication with its clubs. For any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out via email (, Instagram direct messages (@asuaclubs), or by visiting our office (3rd floor Student Union – Suite 325W). Please be aware that responses may experience delays during University scheduled breaks.

Event, Meeting, & Reservations

Organizations are encouraged to host events that welcome other students to learn about the club. In planning events, organizations need to consider, be aware of, and comply with all ASUA and University policies, including without limitation to the following: 

Student Union Memorial Center

Clubs may hold meetings or events. Space reservations are limited to availability and must be booked at least 14 business days prior to the event. 

The Student Union Memorial Center (SUMC) and ASUA have negotiated certain benefits specifically for ASUA recognized student organizations. These benefits are subject to change.  

Benefits afforded to ASUA-recognized organizations include:

Access to the following SUMC rooms for meetings. An organization can use an SUMC room twice per week for no more than two hours at a time for free. Student organizations are still responsible for any audio/visual equipment charges.

  • Agave
  • Cholla
  • Copper
  • Madera
  • Mesquite
  • Ocotillo
  • Picacho
  • Pima
  • Presidio
  • San Pedro
  • Santa Cruz
  • Tubac   

Access to one large SUMC room (Kiva, Sabino, Ventana, Sonora) once per semester for special events, depending on availability.

  • Discount on Fast Copy and Fast Design orders 
  • Discounts on catered meals from the following dining locations:
    • Chick-fil-A
    • Einstein Bros. Bagels
    • Highland Market Catering Menu
    • On Deck Deli
    • Papa John’s Pizza
    • RoadRunner Mobile Kitchen

All reservations must be submitted through the online reservation form.

The Student Union Memorial Center has guidelines for student organizations who want to host dances within the facility. Information on hosting dances at SUMC and required forms are available on their website

The Student Union Memorial Center has specific policies for posting materials on bulletin boards and hanging banners within the facility. To view these policies, vitist their websites.

Bulletin board posting website.

Banner information website 

Student Union Memorial Center Payment policy

The below policy relates to ASUA recognized student organizations and payment of any charges incurred for hosting an event (i.e., room charges, A/V charges, catering orders) within the SUMC.

  • ASUA will share a list of recognized student organizations with SUMC to ensure clubs are being given the appropriate discounts and payment plans.
  • ASUA recognized student organizations who do not receive funding through Appropriations or Senate will pay a deposit when a contract for services is signed. The remaining balance is due ten (10) days after the event.
  • ASUA recognized student organizations who receive funding through Appropriations or Senate will not have to pay a deposit. Clubs will receive a funding sheet from ASUA to provide to the SUMC event planning office for payment. Anything not covered by the ASUA Appropriations Board must be covered by the club. 
  • All ASUA recognized student groups MUST be current with all payments to continue receiving free or discounted rooms and services. Recognized clubs will not be allowed to make future reservations until all balances are paid in full.

Room & Course Scheduling 

ASUA recognized clubs can reserve classrooms on campus to hold meetings and events. Requests must be submitted at least 14 days in advance. ASUA will share a list of recognized student organizations with Room and Course Scheduling to ensure clubs are being given the appropriate access. Only the club President and Treasurer will be allowed access to the system. 

You must email Room and Course scheduling to set up your account to place reservations. 

Visit Room and Course scheduling website. 


Phone: 520-621-3313

Campus Use

Any event that takes place on campus must comply with the University’s Campus Use Policy and be scheduled and approved, at a minimum, by the Student Union Event Scheduling Office and any other body required to approve the event as required by the Campus Use Policy or any other applicable policy. Keep in mind that depending on the location and/or scale of the event, different requirements may need to be satisfied before the event/campus use can be approved. For more information, see the Campus Use and Mall Scheduling webpage.

This webpage contains information regarding the University’s requirements for campus use, including without limitation issues concerning safety, sustainability, accessibility, and impact on both the UA and local community. View the University’s Campus Use Policy for more information. 

Events need to be scheduled via a Campus Use Activity Request Form. Campus Use Request Forms should be submitted several weeks in advance and no later than 10 business days in advance of the event.

Each individual event requires its own request form. For example, if an organization plans to table every day for a week, the organization must submit a request for each day it plans to table. Location requests are subject to other events that have been granted prior approval by Mall Scheduling.

If a recognized organization is planning a large event, in addition to the Campus Use Activity Request Form, the organization may be asked to present at a Campus Use Committee meeting to discuss their event, evaluate compliance with the Campus Use Policy, and get constructive feedback from university partners about how to make the event more successful. Members from the Committee will reach out to organizations to discuss important details (i.e., turning off water sprinklers, getting insurance certificates from vendors, approvals from Union on food trucks) and prepare groups for the Committee meeting. 


Recognized student organizations may request to use vehicles from Motorpool. Any student wanting to drive a university-owned vehicle must complete the Defensive Driving Course online before picking up the vehicle. We highly recommend most who plan on driving take the HOV course. This will open options to the club should motorpool be booked. 

Your organization is sponsored by a University department, the department may process the motorpool request for you. If you’re not sponsored by a University department, ASUA must process the request for you.

Student groups can complete the Motor Pool Request Form through ASUA. All requests must be submitted to motorpool at least 14 business days prior to pick up date. The motorpool request form must be submitted at least 21 days prior to your vehicle pick up date. 

All clubs must pay their motorpool bill directly. Payment is due within one week of receiving the final balance. Should a club not pay, they will lose their recognition benefits from ASUA until their debt is settled.  All payments must be submitted in cash or check.

Campus Recreation Rentals

Campus Recreation has many facilities that are available for use. The purpose and usage of the facility must be complementary to the mission of the University. For up-to-date information on reserving space through Campus Recreation, visit their website.

Student Organization Fundraising

Spring Fling

Spring Fling recruits’ clubs to host/staff food and game booths as a fundraiser for their organization. Applications are competitive. Make sure your club follows Spring Fling Instagram for updates and information. 

Date Auctions

“Date” auctions involve the process of “bidding” on a human being for the service or the ability to spend time with a certain person. This process devalues a human being to the level of merchandise and involves a comparison of the relative “value” of each person being auctioned. Date auctions and any similar conduct or event is prohibited


UA, departments, administrative units, and student organizations are NOT permitted to conduct raffles. Using an actual raffle ticket for a door prize is permitted, as long as attendees are not required to pay for the raffle ticket, and everyone has an equal chance of receiving it. Any group planning a raffle should be familiar with the law related to this activity and should contact ----- for additional information.


If your organization is thinking of hiring a vendor, bringing in a guest speaker and/or artist or contracting with a venue, student leaders are not to sign legally binding documents. You and/or your organization will be personally liable for fulfilling the terms of agreements should you choose to sign the contract. If your organization is pursuing university funds to pay for goods or services that you have signed – all provisions, statuses and policies that pertain to UA Use of Funds will apply.

Percentage Night

Many businesses around the University will allow your organization to participate in a percentage night. These vents are often a good way for your organization to raise money for the club. Do note that clubs and organizations are not 501(c)(3) organizations under the University of Arizona Tax ID number. 

Bank Accounts & Bank Letters

Monies obtained from dues, fundraisers, sponsorships, or donations should be deposited in an off-campus bank account. An off-campus bank account is not held to the policies of the University; the University does not take any responsibility in the management of your off-campus account. It is the responsibility of each student organization to track expenses and keep records of the account number, balance, Club EIN, and the approved officer signers.

ASUA is not involved in club finances. All questions related to bank accounts, EIN, taxes, etc. must be directed to your bank or the IRS. 

The organization operates in the name of the entity and not in the name of the individuals who are part of the organization. Student organizations are strongly discouraged from depositing student organization money into an individual member’s personal account. Business records should be maintained in the organization’s name, not in the name of an officer. Keep in mind that financial institutions will require that checks made payable to the organization be deposited into an account established for the organization.

Designate two or more members to be authorized to withdraw funds from your account. Ideally, checks and withdrawals should require 2 officers’ signatures to be valid. This reduces the risk of any unauthorized expenditures.

Financial institutions will require that authorized signers are kept current. If the signers have left their position or the university, your organization will experience a delay in withdrawing funds. Changes to the organization’s account must be in writing to the financial institution from the current authorized signers. A bank letter must be submitted through campus groups to change signers. Bank letters are only provided to currently recognized clubs through ASUA. 

Advisors are welcome to be listed as an authorized signer if they so choose.

If appropriate, student organizations are responsible for filing taxes. Oftentimes, student organizations do not earn enough income to require filing federal income tax. Please refer to the IRS websites for more information:


IRS Business 

Most banks allow organizations to set up accounts under the organization’s name. Typically, your organization must provide:

  1. Proof that the organization is an official registered student organization. 
  2. Two or more co-signers with photo ID, one of whom could be the club advisor (for transition purposes).
  3. A copy of your club’s official constitution and meeting minutes with signatory identified.
  4. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) on file with the Internal Revenue Services.

Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) or Employee Identification Numbers (EIN)

To open a checking account at a bank, your student organization will need an EIN/TIN. To apply for an EIN/TIN, the organization will need to complete an application that is available on the IRS website

Student organizations cannot use the University’s EIN/TIN.

When applying for an EIN/TIN, an individual associated with the organization (i.e., the President or Treasurer) will need to provide personal information, including a Social Security Number.  When transitioning between officers, it is recommended that the executor of the TIN/EIN be switched as well. This will protect the outgoing officer and ensure that his/her name is not associated with the account after leaving office.  

Tax Exempt Status

ASUA Recognized student organizations DO NOT have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status unless the organization has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) with the Internal Revenue Service. Student organizations are responsible for complying with all applicable tax laws, regulations, and obligations. 

University Policies

Hazing Policy

The University of Arizona seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, safety, or welfare. No individual Wildcat should be demeaned, ridiculed, belittled, or placed in a potentially harmful situation to be included in a group at the University of Arizona. It is therefore the University’s policy that hazing is prohibited. The impact of hazing activities can result in irrevocable harm to their victims, victims’ families, and the University community. The University of Arizona Hazing Hotline 520-626-HAZE (4293) provides a telephone line for anyone to report a suspected or recent hazing incident. This phone number accepts calls 24 hours a day. In the State of Arizona, hazing is a class 1 misdemeanor, except if the hazing results in a person’s death it is a class 4 felony. View the Arizona State Law 

"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, and in which both of the following apply:

  1.  The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with the University; and
  2. The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm, or degradation; or causes physical injury, mental harm, or personal degradation.

View the University’s Hazing Policy and the most up-to-date information regarding the policy 

NOTE: To report a hazing incident or to ask questions regarding the policy call 626-HAZE (4293).

Speakers/First Amendment Assistance 

Student organizations are encouraged to host speakers and events that pertain to the mission of the group and its interests. The University of Arizona works to support students’ First Amendment rights of assembly and speech and has a team of staff who have been trained to work with groups to help ensure that the First Amendment rights of speakers, guests, and protesters are all respected and protected. View more information about the University of Arizona’s First Amendment guidelines, policies, and monitoring. 

If your organization wants to bring a speaker or lecture series to campus that may garner great interest from the campus community or bring attention from media outlets, several factors should be considered. The organization must coordinate with the Dean of Students Office to help ensure that the First Amendment rights of all students, staff, and faculty are protected and respected.  For example, some speakers/lecturers may require additional security from the University of Arizona Police Department, or the anticipated audience may be larger than the venue can handle. If an event takes place in the Student Union Memorial Center, staff in the facility can help with crowd management and audio/visual issues. In addition, issues around publicity and media requests can be assisted by the University’s Media Relations team.

A successful speaker event can only be facilitated with prior planning and early communication. If your group is bringing a lecturer on campus that may garner media interest, possible protest, or security concerns, contact the Assistant Dean of Students for Student Governance and Programs at 520-621-2782 as soon as your group starts planning for the event.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement 

ADA Statement

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, no qualified person will be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity operated by the University because of disability. The University will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in employment practices and activities, including, but not limited to, application procedures, hiring, tenure, promotion, advancement, termination, training, compensation and benefits. The University will not discriminate against a qualified individual because of the known disability of another individual with whom the qualified individual is known to have a relationship or association.

Non-discrimination and Affirmative Action Statement

Non-discrimination and Affirmative Action Statement 

The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Title IX Coordinator

Mary Beth Tucker
Old Main
1200 E. University Blvd.
P.O. Box 210021
Tucson Arizona 85721-0021
Phone 520-621-9438

ADA/504 Compliance Officer

Amanda Kraus
El Portal
501 N. Highland Ave.
P.O. Box 210182
Tucson Arizona 85721-0182
Phone 520-621-3268

Anyone who believes that they have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination should call the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). They will be transferred to an individual with expertise in these areas for advice on handling the situation and information on filing a complaint.

Office of Institutional Equity
The University of Arizona
University Services Building, Room 113
P.O. Box 210158
Tucson Arizona 85721-0158
Phone 520-621-9449

Non-discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy 

Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy

The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. In support of this commitment, the University prohibits discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, based on a protected classification, including race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. The University encourages anyone who believes he or she has been the subject of discrimination to report the matter immediately as described in the section below, “Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation.” All members of the University community are responsible for participating in creating a campus environment free from all forms of prohibited discrimination and for cooperating with university officials who investigate allegations of policy violations.

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation 

Reporting Complaints to University Offices

An individual who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of this policy should report the matter immediately as set forth below to obtain information about resolving concerns, including complaint-filing options and procedures, and to enable the University to take prompt remedial action. If the alleged policy violator is a University student, the individual who has been the subject of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of this policy should contact:

Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
Robert L Nugent Building
1212 E. University Blvd
PO Box 210040
Tucson, AZ 85721-0040
(520) 621-7057

For all other instances, the recipient of the alleged conduct should contact:

Director for Equity Compliance
Office of Institutional Equity
University Services Building, Room 113
P.O. Box 21058
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
(520) 621-9449

If the alleged policy violator is employed by the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Institutional Equity, then the individual who has been the subject of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of this policy may contact the Vice President of Equity, Inclusion.

Good Faith Allegations

Because of the nature of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation complaints, allegations often cannot be substantiated by direct evidence other than the complaining individual’s own statement. Lack of corroborating evidence should not discourage individuals from seeking relief under this policy. No adverse action will be taken against an individual who makes a good faith allegation of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under this policy, even if an investigation fails to substantiate the allegation. However, individuals who make dishonest statements or make statements with willful disregard for the truth during an investigation or enforcement procedure under this policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with existing University policies.

Anonymous Inquiries and Complaints

Members of the University community may contact the Office of Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office at any time to ask questions about discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or complaint-filing procedures and may provide information without disclosing their names. This provision does not relieve managers, supervisors, instructors, or advisors of their responsibility to promptly report under this policy.

Reporting Complaints to Outside Agencies

University employees and students have the right to file discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation complaints with outside agencies as well as with the University’s Office of Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office. If an individual files a complaint with an external agency, the filing will not affect the University’s investigation concerning the same or similar events.

Dean’s Excuses

Recognized organizations may request Dean’s Excuses if organization members are going to be absent due to official activities of the organization. Eligibility for and issuance of Dean’s Excuses are governed by University Policy.  If your organization is sponsored by a university department, the department may process the dean’s excuse. If you’re not sponsored by a university department, ASUA must process the deans excuse for you. ASUA requires a minimum of 10 business days before the start of your travel to process the deans excuse. 

Visit the Dean of Students website for the form.

Visit the attendance website for more information on the policies and procedures for requesting deans’ excuses.

If ASUA will process the deans Excuses, you must email your completed form (without advisor signatures) to the ASUA Clubs team. 

Carol Barnette - Assistant Director

Breeanna Wolkerstorfer - Graduate Assistant

International Travel

ASUA-recognized student organizations who travel outside the United States and its territories must register their travel with UA Global prior to their departure, regardless of whether the trip is being funded by ASUA.

Students traveling abroad will visit the International Travel website and click on “International Travel Registry” to complete the process.

Student Rights & Responsibilities & Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct sets forth the standards of conduct expected of students who choose to join the university community. Students who violate these standards will be subject to disciplinary sanctions in order to promote their own personal development, to protect the university community, and to maintain order and stability on campus. View The Arizona Board of Regents Code of Conduct.

Insurance Policy

In most cases, UA does not provide insurance for student organizations. Recognized student organizations are responsible and liable for the actions and behaviors of their members and officers. Any damage to persons or property will need to be covered by the personal insurance of the participants.

If your organization is renting space on campus to practice or meet, insurance is not required. If you are reserving space on campus to host an event in which outside groups or members of the public will be invited to attend, a liability policy will be required.

If your organization is renting space at the campus rec, your advisor must email you point of contact at the rec center to sign all contracts and accept liability on behalf of their home department. If your advisors choose not to accept this liability, insurance will be required.

If a student organization is required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage when leasing or using any UA facility, a temporary insurance policy can be purchased through the UA’s TULIP program

Please contact Steve Holland or Miguel Delgado @ 520.621.1790 if you need assistance or have questions.

Clery Act

Club/organization advisors are considered Campus Security Authorities (CSA), which requires faculty and staff to report criminal matters in accordance with the Clery Act. Risk Management offers online training for CSA compliance. Clery Act reporting forms and categories are available through the University of Arizona Police Department.

Use of personal vehicle

Students are discouraged from using personal vehicles for organization-related travel. When a personal vehicle must be used for organization travel, the driver assumes all liability associated with the trip. Drivers and passengers should follow guidelines when using personal vehicles.

  • Drivers and passengers are expected to follow University policy and federal, state, and local laws and posted signs.
  • Drivers must have a valid operator’s license.
  • Drivers must possess adequate auto insurance as required by law.
  • Drivers must possess current vehicle registration.
  • Drivers and all passengers should have access to and use seatbelts and/or other approved safety restraint devices.
  • Drivers and all passengers shall not possess, consume, or transport alcohol and/or illegal substances.
  • Drivers should take considerable care to allow for adequate rest periods and drives times.
  • Drivers should take care to assess the safety of the vehicle they are driving
  • Drivers and passengers should have proper communication and emergency plans in place.

Risk Management & Liability Policy 

The wide variety of interests and activities represented by recognized student organizations and student government at the University of Arizona have an equally wide array of potential risks and liabilities associated with them. As a condition of recognition by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA), all student organizations are required to conduct their activities in a manner that maximizes safety and health and minimizes the risk of accidents, injuries, illnesses, or other losses.

For most routine organization activities, such as regular meetings or social gatherings, members are solely responsible for their own actions and any loss, damage, or other liability incurred as a result of those actions.

For certain actions or activities, an organization and/or its members may be provided liability protection by the State of Arizona Risk Management Program (A.R.S. § 41-621) on an excess basis, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

  • All individuals to be covered by this program must be recognized by ASUA as authorized volunteers performing a specific task or service on behalf of the UA.
  • Liability coverage is for official business only. Accordingly, the volunteer activity must further the goals of the UA and must be conducted under the direction and authorization of a responsible University official acting in an official capacity, and not as a private individual.
  • Job and/or activity descriptions for volunteers must be submitted in writing to ASUA for review and filing. ASUA and UA Risk Management will determine if the proposed activity meets the volunteer coverage criteria described above. The final determination of coverage rests with the Arizona Department of Administration, Risk Management Section.
  • This liability protection is valid only to the extent that the volunteer’s actions are within the course and scope of the authorized volunteer activity and only while performing the activity.
  • If individual liability is incurred as a result of activities outside the course and scope of authorized volunteer service, the University of Arizona and the State of Arizona are prohibited by statute from accepting any portion of that liability. All responsibility for damages rests solely with the responsible individual.
  • Any student organization that is affiliated with a national organization should determine if   the national organization’s liability insurance policy can be extended for official events or activities of the organization. It is fairly commonplace for national parent organizations to extend liability coverage to the official activities of individual chapters.

If your organization is involved or participates in any activity or event where injury may occur, the Organization should notify Risk Management of the activity or event and consider having participants (regardless of whether they are members of the Organization or not) complete an Assumption of Risk and Release Agreement before participating in the activity. More information regarding the Assumption of the Risk and Release Agreement is available from Risk Management HERE.

If a student organization is required to provide proof of liability insurance coverage when leasing or using any UA facility, a temporary insurance policy can be purchased through the UA’s TULIP program (

Please contact Steve Holland or Miguel Delgado @ 520.621.1790 if you need assistance or have questions.

ASUA Statements

All student organizations, their members, and their guests are expected to comply with all ASUA and University policies, statements, and guidelines, including but not limited to the following, always. Violations deemed by ASUA Clubs, ASUA, DOS, etc. may result in loss of recognition, fines, etc. Any student organization not in good standing with any UA or community entity is subject to disciplinary action by ASUA. 

ASUA Senate Statement on Disability Accommodation

Per the ASUA Senate Resolution on the commitment and support to Accessibility for Students with Disabilities, all student organizations that are funded through ASUA are required to submit a statement outlining the ways in which they will work to make their event, program, or student engagement experience accessible.

Financial Responsibility Policy

Recognized student organizations shall identify a member or members who are financially responsible for payment in full of all debts accumulated by the organization not covered by funds on deposits. Debts to the University may result in responsible parties being encumbered, in addition to other potential individual or organizational sanctions. ASUA is not responsible for debts accumulated by recognized student organizations. 

Good Neighbor Policy

All recognized student organizations are expected to cooperate with the University in building and maintaining positive relationships with their neighbors and community (local, national, and international).

Additional Resources & Contacts

Email listservs

Student organizations can create and maintain e-mail lists (listservs). If you would like to create an e-mail list for your organization, please have your advisor use the link below to create one on behalf of your club. For more information on how to create a listserv, visit the Information Technology Website 

Housing & Residence Life Resources

Recognized Organizations may advertise their clubs, events, and activities in coordination with Housing and Residential Life.  Housing and Residence Life facilitates student outreach through posters, social media posts, emails, and digital signage.  Any advertising must comply with Housing and Resident Life policies.  These policies, and the most up-to-date information regarding advertising in residence halls/dorms is available on their website.

ASUA | Associated Students of the University of
AASA | African American Student
Arizona Daily
APASA | Asian Pacific-American Student
Club Sports
Common Ground
Dean of
Disability Resource
Student Union Event Planning
Fast Copy | Fast
Fraternity & Sorority
Guerrero Student
Immigrant Student Resource
International Student
NASA | Native American Student
Office of Institutional
Parking & Transportation
Risk Management &
RCS | Room & Course
Trademarks &
UAPD | UA Police
Veteran & Transition
WGRC | Women & Gender Resource