Nora Day
4.23 seconds. That is the amount of time it takes for another person to hold open a door for me. My name is Nora Day and I have a spinal cord injury with Cerebral Palsy. This leaves me unable to balance and opening doors can be quite the challenge. As a result, I am forced to rely on the kindness and support of others to get where I need to go. I have been fortunate that in my time at the University of Arizona, I have met the most kind and supportive students. No one has ever said that they wouldn’t open a door for me and everyone has been more than willing to give up 4.23 seconds of their time to help me. I am forever grateful- and now I want to begin paying it forward to my fellow members in the UofA community. I will serve as a support system to the students, providing my knowledge and help whenever it is needed. Not only during my office hours, but if you see me on campus, or shoot me an email, I will always give up some of my time to help you. I’d also like to devote time to drafting a senator newsletter- that students could subscribe to and learn about events on campus, the initiatives and organizations being sponsored by ASUA, and a way of contacting us should they have any comments or questions. On a more personal note, being disabled means that I am a member of a minority group here on campus. I would love to help organize and lead a team of disabled students, where we discuss and enact ways to make our campus more handicapped friendly. The goal of my campaign is to help students achieve whatever goals they may have, while bringing more diversity to both ASUA and campus overall and celebrating it. I want my fellow community members to feel as though they are being listened to and that they are worthy of receiving support. I vow to make this happen. 4.23 seconds at a time.