Mimi McVey

My name is Mimi McVey and I am running to be senator of the college of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture. I am originally from New Jersey, but I spent most of my life exploring New York City. As a current junior studying architecture, I hope to become a scenic designer so I can create sets for Broadway and even films. CAPLA is one of the many colleges on campus, however, I feel that we are often underrepresented and overlooked. CAPLA in itself is a unique social dynamic, in which a group of 70 students spend every second of the day dedicating themselves to various projects. The students and faculty that make up CAPLA are truly the most dedicated individuals I have ever met. There is an evident community in CAPLA, which is why I want to run for senator. As senator I believe I can enhance the community and connect CAPLA students with other organizations on campus. Architecture is a demanding major, which often times can be isolating. I want to develop a deeper relationship with the current clubs under CAPLA and provide more support for the students who oversee them. I am currently involved with other campus organizations such as Greek life and held leadership positions in both the Sophomore and Junior honoraries, which will help expose students to other opportunities for involvement outside of CAPLA. I would also like to create new clubs that will benefit all students in regards to future internship and job opportunities. Another improvement I wish to enact focuses on the mental health and physcial well being of the students. It is important to create an environment in which students can work comfortably, especially when students, such as myself, spend hours a day in studio. Finally, I will strive to improve the communication between administration and ASUA with the needs of CAPLA students, regardless of the priority. This will also enable open communication between students when they feel there is a discrepancy within the overall structure of CAPLA. Overall, I will be the voice for everyone in CAPLA and ensure that demands are being meet in order to provide the best possible college experience for the students and faculty of CAPLA.