Jordan-Isaiah Toyos
I am seeking to be ASUA next senator at large because I want to bring new opportunities to students and staff. Covid-19 has shown new ways to connect with fellow wildcats throughout campus as we continue into this pandemic. Clubs especially have been hurt the most by Covid-19 because they all require various needs to be successful. I want to help all clubs on campus be able to have more fund allocations. Serving on the appropriations board has shown me what clubs are seeking assistance for. Many need help getting equipment such as cameras and other miscellaneous so their club can still meet. It is important to continue working closely with ASUA appropriations board to get this done and help smaller clubs across campus. Clubs are crucial for student success on campus and are great for networking and gaining leadership skills. My next goal would be to work with every college on campus to create an app that students could download on their phones. Having this app would allow students to connect with their peers in their college. Newsletters and emails are not enough for students we must have better ways of communicating with students and staff. There is always so much going on campus and I believe creating an app where you can find internship information, job opportunities, and community service opportunities will only bring great success for students. Lastly I like to work closely with our cultural centers and be of assistance to promote the goals that they have. Building communities and working together with our cultural centers will help the overall university and enrich the student experience.