Damanitza Romo

Hola Gatos, My name is Damanitza Romo and I am running to be your next Senator At-Large! I am a first-year student majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Criminology. I grew up in the Southside of Tucson in a primarily low-income area where resources and services were often inaccessible and unattainable. Coming to the University of Arizona as a first-generation student and discovering amazing programs like New Start, and services such as Campus Pantry, Closet, and CAPS has brought value to not only my life– but the life of so many other students. The resources available on this campus are crucial for the success of the student body, which is why I’m running to uplift and support them and ensure students are aware of these amazing opportunities and resources. My experiences and voluntary involvement with ASUA have allowed me the unique opportunity of learning how our student government works and further identify room for improvement while understanding the amazing work that we are capable of accomplishing.
As your next student body Senator I will:
-Promote resources for students who are often underrepresented in order to guarantee they are making the most of their experience here at the University of Arizona.
Work to allocate funds for clubs, especially those that promote diversity, inclusion, and community.
-Amplify marginalized students’ voices by being a source for students to come and express their concerns
-Push the fight for free transit. Accessible but also comfortable transportation is crucial for student success.
-Highlight cultural centers to the student body in order to encourage a comfortable environment for connections to be made.
Having such a beautiful and diverse campus does not always imply that we are inclusive. Inclusivity is something that we have to fight for, and I am willing to take part in that fight. I hope I can earn your vote because a vote for me, is a vote for us. Bear Down Wildcats y ¡Viva Los Gatos!