Alison Berlowe

Hello! My name is Alison Berlowe and I am running to be the next representative for the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health within the ASUA Senate. I am a junior at the University of Arizona studying Public Health with an emphasis in Health Promotion.
My primary platform as the Public Health Senator is forming more connections between ASUA and the students within the College of Public Health. There are several programs within ASUA that involve public health, such as Campus Pantry and the Student Health Advocacy Committee, that I believe public health students would both enjoy and benefit from participating in. By increasing marketing and advertising towards the students within my college, more students will know about these important programs, as well as learn more about ASUA in general.
I am very excited for this opportunity and I look forward to working with ASUA along with the students of the College of Public Health.