Alexis Rylaarsdam

Hello Wildcats! My name is Alexis Rylaarsdam and I excited to be running for the 2023-24 College of Engineering senator position. I am a sophomore majoring in Mining Engineering with minors in Sustainable Mineral Resources and Mathematics. Since joining the university I have become very involved in the College of Engineering. I am currently on the board of a professional engineering society, employed by the college, and the president of a design, build, compete team. I understand from first hand experience the nuances of the College of Engineering and its relationship with ASUA. I aim to open clearer communication between ASUA and the various organizations in the College of Engineering. If elected, I plan to attend ESC meetings and present at said meetings about current updates from ASUA. Additionally, I hope to promote diversity within the college as well as the university as a whole. As a woman in engineering, I understand how important it is to uplift the voices of people from all backgrounds. I aim to be an advocate for everyone in the college and ensure that their voices are heard.