Hi Wildcats,
For the last two years; I’ve dedicated my education, employment, and pass-time as an enthusiast of the Wildcat Experience. However, from personal encounters and in observing the unfortunate circumstances involving our most vulnerable of student communities, a few that I can identify with, it is apparent that your student government and the University of Arizona need a serious wake up call. As the next Student Body President, I will place ‘how we serve our most vulnerable student communities’ at the fore-front of my teams work.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona is merely a frame; a basic structure that supports a system. But the how, when, where, and more importantly who– are what varies year to year.
In the next year, I will ensure myself and team are held accountable for the following:
- Establish a robust Student Wellness, Equity, and Inclusion group that will work together, with campus-wide partnership in mind, to address the outspread of singular mental health initiatives, promote minority engagement, recognize and prioritize the need for support of victims subject to gender-based violence, and formulate relationships with the multicultural community. We need to aid our most vulnerable student communities!
- Enact local government and community programing that will promote a bond between our students and the opportunities beyond our campus. How we can aid the community and how the community and different stakeholders can aid us.
- Reinventing the image of your student government, developing new ways to physically and digitally engage students and promote the opportunities and notable moments shared amongst our student body, with focus of culturally rich programs that highlight the most diverse of wildcat experiences.
Lastly, the most important duty of all– I will be present. I will be unwavering in my support and I will ensure progress beyond years previous.
Bear Down,
Rocque Perez"

Transparency and Visibility- ASUA should engage its constituents with clear and effective communication, visible to all. Student government is here to represent the entire student body, not just those in student government. Students should have a clear view of what their representation looks like and what ASUA has to offer for them. I hope to achieve this through...
1- Communicating to the student body about ASUA initiatives and progress
2- Centralizing resources for student access
3- Creating a feedback system where students can openly express concerns and wants
Civic Engagement- Student populations across the country are historically underrepresented in national elections. U of A students should have access to the information and resources they need to become educated voters. My goals for this platform include...
1- Unifying voter registration opportunities on campus
2- Facilitating voting opportunities for students to make it more accessible
3- Sponsoring a voter resource fair where students can become more informed and take the necessary steps towards voting
Impact of Involvement- Both graduation and retention rates are positively impacted by student involvement. Being involved on campus has major benefits for students both during and after college. Through ASUA, students should be given the tools to pursue and join organizations that will add to their experience at U of A. I want to increase the club registration through U of A and connect students with organizations of interests when they arrive on campus. This includes...
1- Continuing events such as the ASUA Open House
2- Encouraging and empowering students to get involved past their freshman year
3- Emphasizing the benefits of campus involvement that include well-being and post graduate work

The Jasso campaign is built on the central idea of unity. Many clubs and organizations on campus have similar goals and activities they conduct. Our campaign is focused on connecting all of these organizations so that they can collaborate to achieve their goals. Due to the divisive times we live in, our community is fragmented and often pinned against each other. Our campaign looks to solve this fragmentation. First, by changing the divisive culture through promoting the values and resources that the cultural centers on campus have to offer. Second, by giving groups that are often marginalized a voice. Having them voice the concerns and issues that they face from the community. This allows our campaign to be able to devise solutions and help support these groups with various resources. Rather than let groups solve their own problems, we can come together as a community and assist those regardless of what group they are part of.

I want to keep facilitating senate in an open minded way, where everyone is represented and feels comfortable to speak. Streamlining club registration and sending emails to people about basic Q&A. My reasoning is, speaking with every club and answering every question is a process and takes time on both ends decreasing efficiency. I also want to make funds allocation more fair for smaller clubs, and dispersing based on need aid. It would balance out unfair funding and help smaller clubs trying to make a difference.

My name is Maryan Hassan, and I am running for ASUA Amministrative Vice President. My campaign, “See Commitment, Feel Change” focuses on three platforms; Advocacy, Student Engagement, and Integrity. I will be an advocate for students and be a leader who amplifies student voices by taking initiatives that commit to student concerns and needs, and addresses these concerns based on the student’s terms. For instance, I want to address issues of sexual assault and rape culture on our campus, increase student engagement by making club and organizations more accessible to those who experience marginalization, and be a student leader with values that display honesty, self-accountability and transparency.

4.23 seconds. That is the amount of time it takes for another person to hold open a door for me. My name is Nora Day and I have a spinal cord injury with Cerebral Palsy. This leaves me unable to balance and opening doors can be quite the challenge. As a result, I am forced to rely on the kindness and support of others to get where I need to go. I have been fortunate that in my time at the University of Arizona, I have met the most kind and supportive students. No one has ever said that they wouldn’t open a door for me and everyone has been more than willing to give up 4.23 seconds of their time to help me. I am forever grateful- and now I want to begin paying it forward to my fellow members in the UofA community. I will serve as a support system to the students, providing my knowledge and help whenever it is needed. Not only during my office hours, but if you see me on campus, or shoot me an email, I will always give up some of my time to help you. I’d also like to devote time to drafting a senator newsletter- that students could subscribe to and learn about events on campus, the initiatives and organizations being sponsored by ASUA, and a way of contacting us should they have any comments or questions. On a more personal note, being disabled means that I am a member of a minority group here on campus. I would love to help organize and lead a team of disabled students, where we discuss and enact ways to make our campus more handicapped friendly. The goal of my campaign is to help students achieve whatever goals they may have, while bringing more diversity to both ASUA and campus overall and celebrating it. I want my fellow community members to feel as though they are being listened to and that they are worthy of receiving support. I vow to make this happen. 4.23 seconds at a time.

Hello Wildcats! I am Lady Dorothy Elli, and I am running for the position of Student Body Senator. Currently, I am majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Pre-Public Health with minors in American Sign Language and Spanish.
As a candidate, I would like to tackle three main platforms that I believe would best enrich campus life at the University of Arizona: strengthening diversity and inclusion through representation, securing health equity on campus through mental health awareness and the Basic Needs Initiative, and guiding first-generation students throughout their undergraduate experience.
For Diversity and Inclusion: The university is a melting pot of diverse cultures and individuals. However, despite the campus being diverse, is it inclusive enough to cater to the needs of the ever-expanding student body? That is the question that I would l would like to answer through the following actions: 1) creating avenues to increase funding for cultural clubs and organizations, 2) promoting diversity and inclusion through representation in the council, and 3) supporting diverse and cultural courses in the curriculum such as the Asian-Pacific American (APA) Studies.
For Health Equity and Mental Health Awareness: As a humanitarian, I believe that everyone has the right to access basic needs, especially university students who are unable to get access to these necessities due to financial struggles and personal circumstances. By reaching out to the student body and informing them of resources under the university’s Basic Needs Initiative, I am able to tackle certain issues on campus such as food insecurity through the Campus Pantry and the lack of mental health awareness through Counseling and Psych Services (CAPS).
For First-Generation Students: Being “first” has been an integral part of my identity as a first-generation immigrant and the first in my family to study in a four-year university abroad. Because of this, I also want to reach out to first-generation students on campus by supporting their growth throughout their entire undergraduate experience. With that said, I hope to introduce first-generation students to programs such as TRiO ASEMS and Basic Needs Initiative. I also want to contribute to their growth by creating an emergency fund for first-generation students as well as DACA and undocumented students who need financial assistance and are currently unable to find ways to support themselves. Aside from this, I plan on creating a resource accessibility plan to better promote programs on campus to incoming freshmen and first-generation students who may not be aware of them.
For YOU, my fellow Wildcats: Your university experience matters, and, in order to provide you with only the best quality undergraduate experience, here are some solutions that I propose: 1) improve academic advising experience on campus by helping the advisors know the students better, 2) expose the students to life after college by offering a support system of alumni, and 3) hold monthly forums for students groups and organizations on campus to voice out their concerns and feedback about university programs and initiatives. Together, let’s work on making these platforms into a reality!

As a Senator At Large on the University of Arizona campus, it is my obligation to represent the general interests of the student body as a whole. Not only am I running to represent my fellow Wildcats, but I’m also aware that this senatorship is one that will make me one part of the whole. As this position is open for any student to run for, it’s important that my platforms stand out, ensuring that they also appeal to the general public and make the campus a safer and better place for all.
My primary platform focuses on transparency and raising engagement. Basically, students becoming more exposed to what each college at the University of Arizona has to offer, allowing them to have a more hands on approach when immersed into the campus scene. As a rising sophomore, it would be in my best interest to help the freshman body during their transition into college. As I was also a clueless newcomer myself this past semester, I know better than most that the University scene can be overwhelming. Therefore, my primary platform would help both upper and lower classmen, exhibiting the many features the UofA has to offer along with the help of an organization such as student government.
My secondary platforms revolves around changes in systematic and health aspects of the University. Firstly, I would like to push transparency with the meal plan system in our dining halls, in terms of getting swipes carried over weekly, making them more accessible to all students, and with extra money being transferred over to Cat Cash. This makes for a more efficient way to effectively utilize the meal plan. If I have the means and the resources to make this proposition a reality, it will promote a change that is desperately needed among our own, and can even push changes along other schools.
Finally, I would like more sanitation systems across our campus, with increased discussion of physical fitness, wellness, and more, through the implementation of frequent health panels. As a student of Pre-Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, not only is mental health a significant matter to me, but so is the wellbeing of my student body. Increased discussion through health panels, on these topics and many more, would promote a happier and healthier student atmosphere. Whether a student is studying in the STEM field, or is taking a liberal arts path, it’s consequential that he or she knows that there are resources available and health professionals to talk to when in need of assistance.
Running for a position as Senator At Large means that my constituents always come first. From increased transparency, to improving the meal plan system, and even increased health discussion on campus, I would like to do what is right for the greater good. I always think smarter, not harder. These platforms promote advance and upgrade the University, while also easing the stress on our students over transparency, health and financial related situations.

If elected to represent the student body in the ASUA Senate, I will focus on three primary platforms: Mental Health, Accessibility, and Diversity. Mental health is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide was the second leading cause of death amongst Americans aged 10-34 in 2017. It is our responsibility to ensure that students have access to the support they need. To improve accessibility, I will work closely with Campus Health’s Counseling & Psych Services (CAPS) and ASUA’s Student Health Advocacy Committee (SHAC). We must increase awareness of the existing resources and provide for all students regardless of their financial status.
I want to be a genuine representative of the UA population. Currently, the ASUA Senate holds office hours for students to speak with their senators. However, students rarely attend the office hours of their professors, let alone ours. We need to stop waiting for students to come to us and start going to them. Let’s meet them on their own terms. As such, I will explore other means by which we can hear the thoughts of those we represent. One possible option is to set up a table on the mall for students to inform us of their thoughts and concerns.
One of the core benefits of attending a large public university is the exposure to other cultures. By fostering a diverse campus, students are able to understand and learn from those who are different than themselves. This process brings communities closer together and makes our campus a safer place for all students, regardless of their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or socioeconomic status. As your Student Body Senator, I will work with the eight University of Arizona cultural centers to provide avenues for their needs and their rights to be heard and represented.

If elected to student body senator, I would plan to create peer mentors in every college at the University of Arizona. Some colleges do have mentors already, so the plan would be to make this accessible across all colleges. Peer mentors would-be students a freshman-senior, they would be responsible for working closely with each college specific senator in hosting monthly workshops as well as meeting with students to help them get resources, or answer questions. These workshops will be based on eight dimensions of wellness each month. The goal of having these workshops and mentors is to give students more access to be a part of their community as well as finding leadership roles on campus. In my experience, students trust asking peers for help or questions with people closer in age, rather than reaching out to instructors or academic adviser. My second platform would be connecting the cultural resource centers across the University. In doing so, this would be building allies and coalitions that other students that identify with that group have a place on campus they can go to. It would be my mission to meet with all cultural resource centers on campus. In meeting with these centers would be to help find out more information on how ASUA could help further these centers and be an advocate in assisting them with professional development.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Hello, I am Esther Lopez, the candidate running for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Representative position within the ASUA Senate. I am currently majoring in Agriculture Tech Management with an emphasis in Leadership and Communications, two of my biggest passions in life. My platform is grounded on building a stronger community within CALS, advocating for the rights of students, and showcasing how invaluable the students and faculty of CALS are to the University of Arizona..
From Plant Sciences to Family Studies & Human Development, the 18 majors available within CALS create a unique atmosphere. My plan is to collaborate with faculty and students in continuing to create welcoming and inclusive events within CALS. As a first generation, low-income student I have encountered the feelings of uncertainty and doubt. No matter their background, no student should struggle with this fear and go through it alone. It is incredibly important that resources provided by CALS for students are communicated and shared with all. My goal also is to normalize the impact mental health has on students, both in high and low stress situations we encounter regularly.
I am excited for this opportunity to be able to build a strong community within CALS and represent the students in the college.
College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture

My name is Anisa Hermosillo and it is my primary goal, if elected as Senator of the College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture (CAPLA), to humbly represent my college and serve as the voice of CAPLA in the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA). I promise to work hard and diligently to connect the CAPLA students to the events and opportunities on the University’s campus and vice versa. I promise to uphold the dignity and prestige of my college through my actions and communication between ASUA and CAPLA students. I promise to create a better environment within CAPLA that encourages the outside engagement in extracurricular activities and organizations throughout the University’s campus. Not only would I serve as the voice of CAPLA, but I will be the individual that enacts positive change in CAPLA that coincides with the University’s policies and betters the college’s environment as a whole. Furthermore, I will connect the current student-lead organizations better to the ASUA’s programs and opportunities, as well as to each other to strengthen our own student organizations within the college. It is my belief that CAPLA can and will be able to engage our student population more in opportunities worthwhile to them, and it is my belief that I can be the catalyst to creating an interactive and vibrant atmosphere within CAPLA and ASUA.
College of Education

My name is Ella Wood and I am a Special Education and Rehabilitation Major within the College of Education. I have found an incredible community within the College of Education and want to ensure that all students find that as well. For my platform, there are three key areas that I want to improve upon, not only within the College of Education, but throughout campus as a whole.
As a future educator, I want to see more career-centered support for students. Classes on what a 401K is, how to negotiate a fair salary, how to file taxes, and how to effectively pay off loans would help send all of us into our future careers feeling prepared. There are many resources on campus and in the community that could contribute to this.
We need a digital resource that is accurate and reliable. Many of the online resources are outdated, unreliable, and in need of an update. As a senator, I would work with staff to verify that all information currently on the website is accurate. This will not only be helpful to students looking for information but will also be valuable to those interested in the College Of Education.
The College of Education is full of wonderful opportunities for students. From mentorship programs, to numerous scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate programs, there is lots to choose from. I want to broadcast these opportunities to all College Of Education students. The community I have here has come from getting involved, and I want to give every student the opportunity to find theirs.
At the end of my day, my number one role as a senator would be to voice the opinions and concerns of my fellow students. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here for you!
Bear Down,
Ella Wood
College of Engineering

Hi, my name is James Brown, as a fellow engineer I have endured the struggle of academic pressure much like most of you. Throughout my time at UofA I’ve met some amazing people. However, none compare to the thoughtful and hardworking engineers I see every day. As senator I would love to see us given the opportunities to get out and show the amazing abilities we possess, since we all know we are more than just brains. We have so much to offer this school and I believe we are lacking the resources. As engineers we are told one day we’ll make the world a better place, why don’t we start today.

As engineering students, we all seek to find the solutions to the problems we see around us. Throughout my time at the College of Engineering, my involvement within the community has taught me that my experiences can help me develop a better path for all students. My goal is to bridge the gap between students and professors to foster a deeper understanding of course material and applications within industry. I also wish to design an outreach/mentorship program for both underclassmen and upperclassmen for opportunities in the industry, within the university, and abroad. I believe we also deserve an enhanced engineering experience by partnering with local organizations for the betterment of the community. Lastly, I believe that creating a cohesive community within the engineering college to cultivate personal and academic growth is fundamental to our stories as college students. I hope to be able to represent the 2,500 students who call this college home.
College of Fine Arts

Hey Fine Arts Wildcats!
My name is Jack Haskins and I am currently a freshman enrolled in the Dance and PPEL majors! Although I’m fairly new to the University of Arizona, I’ve been practicing dance for 11 years and hold it as one of my greatest passions. Even more so, I’m dedicated to serving others in the best ways I know how and I’m confident that would be as your Fine Arts representative. Some of my major platforms include...
- Streamlining communication and collaboration between CFA majors of varying fields.
- Bolstering campus-wide exposure for the work of CFA majors and exploring opportunities for students to create work in the name of progressing the University.
- Addressing the issues unique to each CFA major and the students within them.
I understand the hard work and dedication that goes into perfecting one’s craft and I know that same talent and motivation which got every CFA student to the position they’re in now can be a powerful unifier for students within and outside of the College of Fine Arts. I hold inclusivity, ingenuity, honesty, and compassion as some of my most valued qualities in leadership and the attitudes which define every artist! Thank you and bear down!!!
College of Medicine
My name is Marisol Ibarra and I am a third-year Physiology student hoping to serve as your Senator for the College of Medicine. As a first-generation college student and a woman of color, I know firsthand how intimidating it can be to get involved at a university of this size and especially in one of the biggest science majors on campus. As Senator, I would like to improve upon existing programs both within and outside of the College of Medicine to ensure that every student in the college has the resources necessary for success in both their undergraduate and professional career. Overall, I want to improve the inclusivity, learning, and mentoring programs in the College of Medicine.
One of my primary goals if elected as Senator for the College of Medicine is to connect students to experiences outside of academics that will help foster their success in applying to jobs or professional schools post-graduation. I would like to implement a program akin to Research Matchmaking for clinical and/or shadowing experiences that physiology majors seek out. I would also like to collaborate with resources centers outside of the college of medicine in order to provide even more diverse opportunities specifically for physiology students.
In the time I’ve been involved at the University of Arizona I’ve had experience as a Supplemental Instruction Leader, so I am familiar with how much collaborative learning improves learning outcomes. As your Senator, I would advocate for more collaborative learning spaces on campus and hold our professors responsible for implementing collaborative learning techniques.
Finally, I would like to implement a peer mentoring program within the College of Medicine. As a former peer mentor, I know the logistics behind running a mentor program, and the many benefits it can have for first-year students and beyond. I would love for every student to have a mentor specific to their needs, whether that’s a freshman wanting to talk to a senior about what their major is like, or a junior wanting to know more about a professional school application from a first-year grad student.
I know that the platforms above do not address every concern about the College of Medicine, and therefore I am open to hearing any further concerns you may have. If elected as Senator, I promise to be an advocate for physiology students by making myself available, and if desired, holding open forums for College of Medicine students where we can discuss as a group what can be improved upon.
My name is Kalia Kang and I am a 1st year Physiology student, with a minor in Honors Health and Human Values. I am hoping to earn your support to serve as Senator for the College of Medicine. My goal to attain the position is to improve the College of Medicine experience for all of its students. This goal has three main pillars: communication, resources, and advocacy.
One of the major goals of students in this college is to apply for graduate level education. Since there is such a prominent divide between graduates and undergraduates, I aim to bridge such gap by introducing a peer mentorship program where undergraduates can work with a student that was “in their shoes”, understands the process of applying, and is willing to provide advice. On the other side of communication, I will be completely transparent with the senate I work with, giving honest feedback and reports of how my personal responsibilities are actually going. I will be easy to contact and responsive, so knowing exactly where I stand and giving me feedback on what needs to be accomplished will not be a challenge.
As majors in the college of medicine are gaining popularity, the resources available are not growing proportionally. For starters, we could create a class council specific to the College of Medicine. This way, there is a group of devoted individuals that bring in a broader range of perspectives to help address the overarching problem of how to improve all students’ experience. Not only this, the Ina A. Gittings building is barely fitting the entire college of dance as well as the college of medicine. As either of the colleges’ populations grow, the building will not be able to effectively house all the resources it does now without compromising the quality of the help given. I plan to begin working on developing a larger, and more functionable, way to house the resource center to provide the highest quality supplemental education.
Although I have my own ideas for improving the experience of students in the College of Medicine, I am ultimately representing the students. With that being said, I plan on interacting with the students of the college as much as possible to gain the best insight to what the collective body expects and needs in terms of improvement. To do this, I plan on making myself available for meetings at least 10 hours during the week. Along with that, I intend to follow through with the projects already put into motion by the current Senator and fulfill those to, at least, the intended level.
Ultimately, serving on your senate is a privilege that I hope to maintain over the next few years. I plan to use it with my fullest ability to better life on campus.
College of Nursing

Hi, my name is Jennie Miller and I am running to be your College of Nursing Senator. As a second semester junior, I have grown to understand and value the college’s mission. I am committed to fostering and enhancing “excellence, balance, social responsibility, and creativity”, not only in the students, but in the community as a whole.
My platform entails promoting professional development among existing and prospective students. I aim to integrate the college’s interdisciplinary approach, while also expanding in order to create programs and workshops that give students the basic tools they need to create a resume, interview, network, and communicate effectively. By creating these types of programs and workshops, my hope is that students will be able to feel confident as they move forward into the real world.
The College of Nursing is a collection of both amazing faculty and students. Though already a very encouraging and supportive environment, I hope to bring this collection of faculty and students even closer together; I want to ultimately expand on current relationships, while also facilitating new ones. I am looking forward to the possible opportunity to further the legacy of the College of Nursing through my love and passion for this community and what it represents.
College of Science

If elected to the position, I hope to create a new system in which students in the College of Science are able to have access to research more efficiently. The current method is that often advisors might send an email out to inform student of a position attaching the lab coordinator's email and encouraging students to reach out. Another common method is simply going on the undergraduate research website and emailing every lab until an opening is found or someone replies. I firsthand have dealt with this issue, when trying to apply for research positions. Not only is this time-costly, it also does not ensure that students will be given an opportunity to find a lab. My idea to fix this issue, is developing a website in which students, and faculty are able to connect, making applications for research positions more accessible, and sorting the responses to the lab director more manageable. Allowing students to get the most out of their undergraduate experience, and research more accessible to all.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

As Senator for Social and Behavioral Sciences, some areas that I would be passionate about would be professional development, a strong relationship with ASUA, and study abroad opportunities. I would try to implement a career fair and have certain majors be encouraged to go to certain booths to talk about internship opportunities, as well as post-grad plans. I would also try to cultivate a positive environment between the students of SBS and myself. I am involved with various clubs around campus and plan on being involved more, so I would aim to be a familiar face in ASUA to encourage a stronger and more direct relationship with students in my college to help make SBS better for them. I would also try to find more study abroad opportunities for students in SBS. I have noticed that there aren’t that many global study abroad opportunities within the Social and Behavioral Sciences majors as there are for others, so I would try to find ways to give SBS students the opportunity to learn in more unique environments.

Hello, my name is Ben Grimm and I am running to be the next College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Senator. I am currently a junior studying both Political Science and History.
Over the course of my three years at the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences I have been blown away by the amount of involvement from the 6,000+ undergraduates. As the Senator, I would focus on creating opportunities for the students, more specifically participating in clubs and organizations within the college, to get in contact with future employers, much like the frequent career fairs at the Eller College of Management. This process would include interdepartmental work to provide insight to an array of different career paths for the eclectic field of majors.
Once in the Senate, I would work with the other Representatives to create an initiative to promote complete accessibility. This would include working with the Dean’s Office and other fellow faculty to promote updated accessibility both in the classroom and amongst the students. I will communicate with clubs to organize workshops to help reform club fairs, meetings, and informational sessions to ensure that every student will feel welcome.
As a Political Science major, I understand the importance of the 2020-2021 school year. With experience in voter registration and canvassing events, I plan to bring campus wide events to allow students to be registered and prepared for the upcoming election cycle. In correlation with the 2020 census, I will work with faculty and student groups as well as the Government & Community Relations Office to ensure a concise count for the university. My time in office would be to ensure a sense of civic duty in all students on campus. If elected, I plan on enriching every student’s experience as a student in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Eller College of Management

Hello, my name is Garrett Miller, and I am a first semester accounting student running to be your Eller College of Management Senator within ASUA. Since my first semester, I have been involved in the Eller Community with various programs. As a freshman, I was a member of the Eller Leadership and Integrity Training for Excellence (ELITE) program. I currently serve on the executive board of a new Eller program, Eller Impact, as the Executive Vice President. These opportunities have made me build a passion for the Eller College. As a prospective candidate, I look forward to using my passion for Eller as a way to advocate for every student within the college.
As a pre-business student, one of the things that I noticed was that Eller embodies the well-deserved nickname “Eller Island”. Part of this is due to its northern location on campus, but it is also because most pre-business students only come to McClelland Hall for advising appointments. To counteract the high turnover rate of the pre-business program, I seek to create opportunities for pre-business students to find themselves immersed in McClelland Hall and Eller from the moment they arrive on campus.
As an upper-division student, my whole life is in McClelland Hall. Aside from my on-campus job, I would not have any reason to leave “Eller Island”. If elected, I want to help reintegrate Eller in the UArizona Community. Eller does a great job at helping students shine to the outside world, and I want to help them shine to the rest of campus. I plan to create a way for Eller students to shine bright past the doors of McClelland. One way that Eller does this well is by engaging over 1,000 volunteers with Eller Make a Difference Day. I want to create more opportunities for Eller students to prove themselves to the rest of the University of Arizona.
If elected, I, Garrett Miller, will promise to be receptive to what the students of the Eller College of Management would like to see implemented, and I will strive to better the Eller experience for all students.
The Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Hello! My name is Alison Berlowe and I am running to be the next representative for the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health within the ASUA Senate. I am a junior at the University of Arizona studying Public Health with an emphasis in Health Promotion.
My primary platform as the Public Health Senator is forming more connections between ASUA and the students within the College of Public Health. There are several programs within ASUA that involve public health, such as Campus Pantry and the Student Health Advocacy Committee, that I believe public health students would both enjoy and benefit from participating in. By increasing marketing and advertising towards the students within my college, more students will know about these important programs, as well as learn more about ASUA in general.
I am very excited for this opportunity and I look forward to working with ASUA along with the students of the College of Public Health.