Students for Sustainability

Students for Sustainability (SFS) is an ASUA and Office of Sustainability program that empowers students, builds leaders, and pursues institutionalized sustainability at the University of Arizona and within the surrounding community. Students for Sustainability became a recognized ASUA program in 2008 and has grown considerably since its inception, currently consisting of approximately 100 interns split among our 6 committees. SFS works closely with Compost Cats as well as many organizations on and off campus including UA Residence Life, UA Student Unions, UA Green Fund, Iskashitaa Refugee Network, and several Tucson area schools to advance their mission statement.

Students for Sustainability works to engage the student body to cultivate environmental literacy from many perspectives. SFS works to do this through the ASUA model of empowering student leaders, advancing social justice and equality, and in pursuing institutionalized sustainability at the University of Arizona and within the Tucson community.

Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony. Sustainability means that humans are a part of natural systems and must meet their social, economic and other needs while also allowing for the needs of non-human creatures and functioning ecosystems now and for subsequent generations. Sustainability is intersectional and can only be achieved through interdisciplinary thought and action, incorporating all parts of human society and the natural world. Sustainability must also be progressing social justice, not continuing to marginalize the already marginalized in terms of race, class, gender, ability, and sexuality.


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Associated Students at the University of Arizona

Student Union Memorial Center room 325W

Healthy Living

Healthy Living seeks to unite sustainability and individual lifestyle by promoting sustainable food choices, energy efficiency, and increases in shading via pollinator gardens or shade sails. 



Equity aims to advocate for social and environmental justics, by bringing to light marginalized voices in the fight for sustainability. 

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction focuses on reducing and diverting waste on the University Campus and the wider Tucson community.


HydroCats works to promote efficient use of water resources by installing water harvesting systems throughout Tucson as well as working on campus to promote sustainable uses of water.


The CommuniCats perform outreach on campus and in the Tucson community, especially in younger demographics, to bring early awareness to sustainability.