Ella Wood

College of Education Senator

My name is Ella Wood and I am a Special Education and Rehabilitation Major within the College of Education. I have found an incredible community within the College of Education and want to ensure that all students find that as well. For my platform, there are three key areas that I want to improve upon, not only within the College of Education, but throughout campus as a whole. 
           As a future educator, I want to see more career-centered support for students. Classes on what a 401K is, how to negotiate a fair salary, how to file taxes, and how to effectively pay off loans would help send all of us into our future careers feeling prepared. There are many resources on campus and in the community that could contribute to this. 
            We need a digital resource that is accurate and reliable. Many of the online resources are outdated, unreliable, and in need of an update. As a senator, I would work with staff to verify that all information currently on the website is accurate. This will not only be helpful to students looking for information but will also be valuable to those interested in the College Of Education.
            The College of Education is full of wonderful opportunities for students. From mentorship programs, to numerous scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate programs, there is lots to choose from. I want to broadcast these opportunities to all College Of Education students. The community I have here has come from getting involved, and I want to give every student the opportunity to find theirs.
            At the end of my day, my number one role as a senator would be to voice the opinions and concerns of my fellow students. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here for you!

Bear Down,

Ella Wood