Student Body President

Hello Everyone !!
Associated Students of the University of Arizona are student leaders that are fully commitment to their role by representing, serving, and organizing at the Student Government at the University of Arizona. Being part of ASUA, I always like to develop my skill sets and always help others no matter what at the University of Arizona.
Three platforms:
1. Student Engagement: Reaching out to students, faculty, staff, and clubs / organizations. In other words, being a resource to our fellow students at the University of Arizona.
2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: coming from Latino / Hispanic background, help me to gain knowledge, expressing my core values, and having amazing cultural resources at the University of Arizona that are impacting and representing the Wildcat Community. It is important to be educated and listen for those that have a voice by knowing their signs, their symbols, their languages, their core values, and their cultural traditions.
3. Mental Health: In these difficult times, academics and work can be challenging and stressful. For the next academic year, I want to provide health care resources to help others and how to manage stress.

Having been a part of ASUA since my sophomore year, I've joined various clubs and organizations. These experiences have allowed me to connect to the student body and understand what it means being involved on campus. While working as EVP I want to dive more into diversity, equity and inclusion trainings and courses within the student body. This is the foundation for students as they learn about inclusive environments to show what it means being a Wildcat.
Focusing on a basic resource center which would help expand campus closet and campus pantry. During the pandemic students have struggled with food and clothing insecurities. It is the job of the student body to hold the University accountable in terms of providing greater support to students in need.
With recent events, campus safety is at the top of the list, installing security cameras at parking garages and high traffic locations on campus. My sophomore year I served as policy director and in my interview, I mentioned an increased number of lights on campus which bring greater security and visibility to campus.
Furthering plans for communicating with administrators and fostering a great relationship with them as we focus on student needs. Whether it’s funding or activism. Students must be heard and need to voice their concerns and hold the University accountable. This has always been a talking point, the ASUA is growing future leaders. The U of A shapes 40,000 students every year, it's time to speak for them and make the change.
Finally, focusing on mental health and raising proper funding for various CAPS locations. These centers don’t have enough support on campus, and it needs to be addressed. Pressing these initiatives in meetings is how we shape the culture of how we fund our university.
Executive Vice President

Hello! I am Ally Devereux and I am running for the position of Executive Vice President in the Associated Students at the University of Arizona. This past year I had the pleasure of holding the position of Senator for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, along with being in other clubs and organizations on campus. My time in the ASUA Senate has been extremely valuable and rewarding, but I found myself needing more time. I had the privilege of helping spearhead amendments to the Student Code of Conduct, incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on campus, prioritize cultural centers, host a Q&A with Noam Chomsky, and foster a more welcoming Wildcat community. Although I am exceedingly proud of the work my Senate class and I did this past year, I know there is more I can do. Having already been a part of the conversation, I feel strongly about my knowledge and passion about these projects. I want to continue these, but also help ASUA become an even more massive resource to students on campus. We’re here for the students, so I want ASUA to be a bigger and better entity that clubs, organizations, and all students alike can reach out to for support.

“Love, belonging, and connection are the universal sources of true well-being.”
So, why don’t we prioritize them? More importantly, why do we not all have access to them?
When I stepped foot (wheel) on campus for the first time, I was scared and lost. I had no friends, and this new experience felt like the furthest place from home. I knew right away that I needed to find out where my classes were, where my professor’s offices were located, and who “my people” were. The first two tasks were simple; I knew how to do them. But that third, ever-daunting task, of finding “my people”? Well, I was completely panicked. How could I truly turn the University of Arizona into my home away from home?
Nearly two years later, and I’m happy to report that I found my answers. I met “my people”. But, it wasn’t easy. And sometimes? I still feel overwhelmed at the prospect of continuing to adjust to both the college experience and life on campus.
I am many things. First and foremost, I am Nora. Furthermore, I am an ASUA student body Senator, a member of the Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-health honorary, the VP of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the panhellenic council, a pre-health student, and a friend.
I’m also disabled. This last identity-marker certainly makes me stand out as different. But it doesn’t make me less. It’s also important to note that is doesn’t make me stand out as different any more or less than the rest of the identity-markers I used to describe myself do.
But it is a part of my identity. And it craves belonging. It deserves belonging.
Just like the rest of you do.
If elected ASUA Executive Vice President, I vow to do everything I can to bring that sense of belonging and connection to those of us who make up this great, big Wildcat community. To do this, my plans include creating a comprehensive clubs and organizations guide with detailed information about every single club and organization on campus and how you can join them. I also want to ensure that the amazing cultural and resource centers we have here at the UA are highlighted and receive the recognition they deserve for providing so many students with community. The University of Arizona has a responsibility to advocate for members of far too often marginalized communities. I want to ensure that I help lead that focus by forging strong relationships between these cultural and resource centers and the clubs and organizations that are associated with them and ASUA. Lastly, I want to establish mental health awareness as a priority of the Associated Students at the University of Arizona. As EVP, I will commit to a regular sharing of resources for help and support on campus, and create collaborative mental health advocacy programming for all UA students.
Administrative Vice President

My name is Kyle Kline (he/she/they) and I’m running to serve as your ASUA Administrative Vice President on the following campaign.
ASUA Programs and Services Empowerment: ASUA is a primary resource for multiple underrepresented student populations. These programs and services must be protected, prioritized, and advanced, now more than ever. I hope to advance the inclusivity of programs and services by opening direct communication within ASUA and campus administration to advance all student identities, combat marginalization, and provide increased student services.
Institutional Sustainability: Tucson is the third fastest warming city in the United States and UArizona will play a pivotal role in creating a just and equitable future for students. UArizona still does not have an operable climate action plan. I plan to spearhead a Students for Sustainability-led action committee to develop an equitable campus climate plan in conjunction with the City of Tucson and campus leadership. Environmental and climate injustice directly threaten our generation and frontline communities. We must take bold campus action to ensure we have a future in which to use our degrees.
Mandate Transparency and Accessibility: ASUA processes and activities should be as open and accessible as possible to best serve the student body. I hope to develop resources for students to easily engage with ASUA opportunities, access resolution and referendum protocols, request needed support, and provide honest input. These resources will allow you to use ASUA representatives to work for you and better your university experience to the greatest extent possible.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and strengthen UArizona. Bear down!
Student Body Senator

Hello Wildcats! I am Lady Elli, and I am running for the position of Student Body Senator. Currently, I am a second-year undergraduate student majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Pre-Public Health.
As a candidate, I would like to tackle five main platforms that I believe would best enrich campus life and improve ASUA Senate:
For Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): If given the opportunity and the platform, I would like to promote and improve DEI initiatives by 1) creating resolutions that would cater to the needs of cultural and resource centers, 2) promoting diversity and inclusion through representation in the council, and 3) supporting the incorporation of DEI in the curriculum.
For Sustainability: My experience as a student body senator for AY 2020-2021 has allowed me to contribute to the growth of Senate by formulating resolutions with my fellow senators, rebranding the social media platforms, and communicating with the different offices and services at the University of Arizona. I hope to further maintain this progress by creating sustainable structures in Senate and focusing on issues that further amplify the voices of the student body.
For Resource Accessibility: During my time in Senate, I plan on reaching out to different offices and organizations at the University of Arizona and further promote their services to cater to the needs of underrepresented students on campus, especially for international students, first-generation students, low-income students, transfer students, freshmen, and students from diverse backgrounds.
For Outreach: Being “first” has been an integral part of my identity as a first-generation immigrant and the first in my family to study in a four-year university abroad. Because of this, I also want to reach out to first-generation students on campus by supporting their growth throughout their entire undergraduate experience and introducing them to programs and offices related to Student Success Retention and Innovation such as TRiO ASEMS, Thrive Center, and Basic Needs Initiative.

UArizona should be a place where students from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences feel safe and welcomed to contribute their full selves and ideas to our school. I believe in equality for all students and strengthening the diversity on campus, and that is done through being there and listening to all students. Students of every age, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, income level, marital status, and mental and/or chronic condition, should know their voices will always be heard and valued.
I also want to help UArizona with implementing and improving sustainable methods for students and staff on campus, in the dorms, and in the areas of Tucson near campus. If we want to have a healthy experience on campus, we must look out for the students, as well as the environment around us all. We must be aware of all we do and produce as the school. Working towards achieving these goals together, as a team, is what is going to make the difference for current students and future generations of students to come.

I am seeking to be ASUA next senator at large because I want to bring new opportunities to students and staff. Covid-19 has shown new ways to connect with fellow wildcats throughout campus as we continue into this pandemic. Clubs especially have been hurt the most by Covid-19 because they all require various needs to be successful. I want to help all clubs on campus be able to have more fund allocations. Serving on the appropriations board has shown me what clubs are seeking assistance for. Many need help getting equipment such as cameras and other miscellaneous so their club can still meet. It is important to continue working closely with ASUA appropriations board to get this done and help smaller clubs across campus. Clubs are crucial for student success on campus and are great for networking and gaining leadership skills. My next goal would be to work with every college on campus to create an app that students could download on their phones. Having this app would allow students to connect with their peers in their college. Newsletters and emails are not enough for students we must have better ways of communicating with students and staff. There is always so much going on campus and I believe creating an app where you can find internship information, job opportunities, and community service opportunities will only bring great success for students. Lastly I like to work closely with our cultural centers and be of assistance to promote the goals that they have. Building communities and working together with our cultural centers will help the overall university and enrich the student experience.

As an ASUA Senator At Large, I will work with COBA, VOICE, and MSUA to implement meaningful policy here at the UofA. This includes a number of different avenues, but especially the relationship between the university and UAPD. With the recent rise in hate crimes nationwide, and a history of such issues on campus, it’s critical to get to work on educating our community to be active antiracists and create a safer campus. I would also focus on providing quality PPE for frontline workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As for student prosperity, I’d like to establish a connection with Cultural and Resource Centers to work over the coming years to push this campus to the forefront on student issues. I have a number of ideas to improve the student experience, namely investing in Campus Pantry & Campus Closet, because students should not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they can afford a new pair of shoes. It’s also necessary to take a look at campus safety. Considering recent events, putting cameras in our parking garages is the least we can do. On issues like this, I will work with Cultural and Resource Centers as well as public safety experts to develop a plan to tackle this and all related issues. I will also focus on campus sustainability, promoting the creation of green areas, and emphasizing recycling and yard waste. In this day and age, it’s unacceptable and unsustainable to be creating so much waste, especially from single-use plastics.
College of Architecture

My name is Lauren Heath and I am a junior majoring in Sustainable Built Environments. I am running to be your Senator of the College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture (CAPLA) for the 2021-2022 school year. I currently serve CAPLA as an ambassador and have been working with the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA) as a member of the club resources center for two years. If elected, I would like to use my experience with my involvements in CAPLA and ASUA to create a conduit of communication to allow for CAPLA's increased involvement in ASUA, and vice versa. I would be honored to serve you as the voice of CAPLA within ASUA, as both organizations are familiar and extremely important to me. Additionally, as my major is dedicated to sustainability, I would like to help ensure that the University of Arizona is doing all that it can to be as environmentally friendly as possible. I intend to get involved in campus-wide sustainability initiatives and connect CAPLA to relevant sustainability opportunities within our campus. I seek to enact positive change within our entire community through communicating the needs of CAPLA while upholding the dignified values of our college on a daily basis. I believe that CAPLA is an integral component to the University of Arizona and I intend to ensure that we are represented as active members of our overall community. It is my hope, if elected as the Senator of CAPLA, to diligently serve as your voice within ASUA and cultivate the necessary pathways to implement the changes that you want to see on campus.
College of Education

As College of Education Senator, I would be honored to create more events and opportunities for students from my college to socialize and make connections with other colleges. Creating events where they could hear more about after-graduation opportunities or a panel board to ask more about their major or speaking to current educators, principals or members of the community will help current College of Education students feel more comfortable in their profession after graduating.
Having a place for them to feel comfortable in voicing their concerns is important to me, I would speak on behalf of them so I want them to trust in me. It would be my honor to be considered College of Education Senator. I am in the bilingual cohort so I believe that I will bring some diversity and other perspectives to ASUA.
College of Engineering

During my time as a College Specific Senator for the College of Engineering for the year of 2021-2022, I hope to continue upholding my promises serving as your senator for the past year. I hope to foster diversity and inclusion within the Engineering community, bringing in industry experiences within course curriculum. I plan to enhance effective communication between administration and my peers. Above all I hope to represent the students of the College of Engineering by actively listening to their concerns and creating a cohesive community that cultivates personal and academic growth. I have been honored to represent my peers during the 2020-2021 academic year, and would love continue representing them during the next academic year.
College of Nursing

My name is Paige Campbell, and I am running to be the next senator for the College of Nursing (CON). Being a junior and 2nd semester Nursing-BSN student, I have come to be familiar with both our amazing faculty and students, and our college’s values. It is both of these that form the base of my platform.
My primary goal is to serve as a voice for my college and help further our values of integrity, compassion, exploration, adaptation, inclusion, and determination. I am passionate about doing this through professional development, more opportunities for direct communication, and by creating a stronger tie between CON, the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA), and campus as a whole.
I aim to use professional development programs to promote adaptation, exploration, and determination. Programs directed at the transition into the workforce would hopefully provide our students with the skills to start their nursing careers and make the professional aspects of job hunting easier.
Creating new, pandemic-friendly, lines of direct communication would foster CON’s goals of inclusion, integrity, and compassion. It is important to me to encourage open communication and to offer ample opportunities for suggestions and feedback. This trickles down into the idea of creating a closer tie between CON, ASUA, and the university. I plan to use this feedback to not only support and advocate for my peers, but to also further facilitate the working relationship between CON and ASUA.
I look forward to possibly representing the College of Nursing and promoting a professional and communicative environment based in our community’s values.
College of Fine Arts

I’ve had the honor of serving the College of Fine Arts (CFA) this past year and in the process, I’ve learned a lot about the function of ASUA and the greater UA community. As an incumbent candidate, I have the unique opportunity to continue the initiatives I’ve been working on and not be encumbered by learning the ropes as any ordinary candidate. My highest priority is building community among the four schools within the ASUA. This year I’ve sought to accomplish that by collaborating with CFA Ambassador President Kaissy Yau on a possible Fine Arts Student Showcase in April and by participating in the new CFA Mentorship Program designed by Dance major Noah Huang! With the hopes of a more COVID-free world next year, I’ll be working with the CFA administration to host events that encourage collaboration and communication between CFA students such as the arts festivals I was originally planning for this year, which would be centered around topics such as climate justice and identity. On my platform of encouraging climate change consciousness, I’ll be continuing to work with the Office of Sustainability, its partners, and Cultural Centers to determine how we can foster a stronger culture of sustainability on campus that is based in equity, inclusivity, and practicality. Another major platform of mine is working to establish a more equitable experience for students inside and out of the CFA. By working with CFA Dean Schulz, as well as the deans of several other colleges, the Undergraduate Council, and Vice Provost of Diversity and Inclusion Ivy Banks on the topic of equity in course curriculum, I have a more firm idea of where the University is at and where it ought to go in the coming years. My final platform is to encourage more student representation at the administrative level. UA Admin have made a more pronounced effort to gauge student opinions this year and I’ve been working to establish that as a precedent for future classes at UA so that decisions made on behalf of the student body can be made in a more effective and equitable manner.
Eller College of Management

As the ASUA senator for the Eller College of Management, my clear priority will to be as available and transparent as possible with the student body that I represent. The last year has been difficult for almost every single student at the university, and all too often us students have been left searching for answers, looking for resources, and many of us may feel lost. As your ASUA representative, it would be my goal to ensure that every member of the student body has the accessibility they deserve to a high-quality student-led support system as well as the ability to get answers to their questions directly and truthfully. Although our phenomenal professors are great resources for information and validation alike, it can be very positive for students to feel like they have a student-led resource that is both accessible and comfortable to them. As the ASUA senator for the Eller College of Management, I will be that resource that will answer the phone at 3am, that will sit in office hours for two hours with you if you have been struggling in any way, and I will be the resource that you can always count on to make time for you.

My name is Joe Ross, and I’m a junior majoring in Management Information Systems and Accounting. I’ve been involved with ASUA since my freshman year as the Corporate Director for Spring Fling. This experience allowed me to interact with a variety of students from all over campus as well as Tucson community members. These interactions have developed a broader understanding within me of what it is like to be a student and a community member here at the University of Arizona. One of the (many) things that 2020 taught us was that we needed to stay within our own bubbles. These bubbles, which were usually homogenous groups of people we felt most comfortable with, offered us safety in a world that made us feel anything but safe. The University of Arizona, though, is anything but a bubble within the Tucson community. With our public campus, near-daily community events, and proximity to so many cultural sites, we are not just visitors to Tucson for a few years of our lives, but we are vital members of the Tucson community. As Senator for the Eller College of Management, I will pursue new avenues to incorporate more local organizations and small businesses into campus events and programs, all while fostering cultural diversity. I will drive ASUA to develop partnerships with local Back-, Indigenous-, and Hispanic-owned businesses in order for the University to be a more representative member of the Tucson community. Further, I will work with leadership of other colleges within the University to develop cross-disciplinary events and programs to promote a diversity of thought among students. This diversity enables all of us to best solve some of the biggest problems our world faces from multiple perspectives. These programs will allow students to develop in areas outside of their particular college while engaging with other students whom they may have never crossed paths with. I’m excited to get to work and represent my fellow members of Eller in the ASUA Senate. I will ensure all of the voices of my college are heard within ASUA and that I will be the best possible representative of Eller.
College of Science

My main goals as a College of Science senator can be encapsulated in three words: Question, Connect, Transform. First, to question the pre-conceived notions of what it means to be a College of Science student and to acknowledge the diversity within the College of Science. This would mean looking at the gaps in understanding when it comes to retention of science majors, frustrations with the current College of Science and gaps in representation and diversity. This would entail working on efforts to achieve further diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College of Science, and in turn, help improve what we see within the College itself. Second, to connect College of Science students with each other, and help implement programs that will promote connection in these times. As we transition into a new normal, it is essential to promote the connection of the student body, and strive to understand who is left behind and how we can help. Together we are stronger as a college, and as the College of Science, we are unified under our desire to pursue our given field and help contribute to the innovation, progression and discovery of science. We cannot let our circumstances make us lose sight of that. Thirdly, through these efforts, as a senator, I will aim to help to transform what we see. It will take time, effort and the collaboration of many, but as with science , many hands make for a great discovery. By becoming the Senator of the College of Science, I would aim to be a listening ear to those who feel lost, alone or unsure of the future ahead of us. To do so, I am asking you to help me strive to Question, Connect, and Transform what we see, for a better tomorrow, together.

The ideals of diversity and inclusion are primary to my campaign’s platform. As a woman in data science, it is disheartening to see my classrooms filled with over 80% men. Not only can it be intimidating to women, it can also be challenging to connect and communicate with peers because of the closed-off environment created by a lack of inclusion. As a student senator, my main goal will be to increase interest, participation, and retention within the College of Science among minority groups, especially women in STEM. As a student senator for the College of Science, I will be the cheerful smile that is always ready to greet and listen to one of my fellow students. I want to be a voice that is representative of the student body, a voice that is never afraid to speak up and won’t back down. I promise to always be fair, reasonable, and ethical, and to always be available to the student body. That is why I am running on a platform of honesty, accessibility, and integrity. I believe that the Senate should be more transparent in its proceedings, more interactive with the student body, and should act with only the best intentions in mind when making major decisions on the behalf of the university’s student body. If elected, I pledge to embody these three traits as I hope to inspire others around me to do the same.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Once I am senator at ASUA, I will make sure that every student is heard and represented at the University of Arizona. I am currently part of the Appropriations committee and the Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee for the Arizona House of Representatives so I am familiar with the process and I can bring my knowledge and experience to ASUA Senate. I am motivated to helping all students. Currently, I am a SBS ambassador, a tutor at the SALT Center, as well as the treasurer of the Disney Club. Being a Senator would increase the amount of students that I can assist. I am motivated to making the University of Arizona a better place for everyone and I will prove that with my seat in the Senate.