Tina Giallanza

College of Education Senator
Tina Giallanza
(she, her, hers)

My name is Tina Giallanza, and I am a junior studying Elementary Education. I have always loved working with kids and connecting their learning to real life concepts beyond the classroom. As Senator for the College of Education, my main goal would be to continue this desire to inspire a love for learning and inclusion within my college. COE is a diverse and highly representative college that includes many majors that extend beyond teacher education. As Senator, I would focus on creating a greater sense of community within COE, and finding new ways to connect the various majors within the college to each other. I want to provide a more personalized experience for students within COE and foster a more rounded community. This can look like increased implementation of peer mentoring, active DEI education within classrooms, and a more direct communication between admin and students.